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    Let Me Love You Again[bxb]

    Heavy snow covered the streets in December.

    Chapter 3: Wing’s Pregnancy

    Story: Let Me Love You Again[bxb] Author:Xiang Chi Hong Shao Rou words:6107 Update time:2019-10-26 16:05:02

    James hugged Nicolas's waist and kissed him deeply. Nicolas was way better than Wing. He was good at seducing him more than Wing. He was very open when having sex in bed, which gave James great pleasure. However, Wing was like a dead fish, motionless and unwilling to moan. Every time he made love to Wing, it was like rape and he became numb over time. Nicolas had brought him a freshness, which was completely different from Wing. The thought of going home and facing the familiar face made him feel sick. He didn't even want to go home now. Besides, Wing could do nothing but cry when things happened. Nicolas was different, he could give him too much help. He had protected Wing for too long and felt tired. What he needed now was people like Nicolas who could support him, not Wing, who had always needed his protection and care.

    Michael had no choice but to whisper in James's ear and tell him that Wing had just called.

    James was a little agitated. "Why is he so annoying? You tell him I can't go back. "

    James left the mess to Michael and threw himself into Nicolas's arms.

    Michael could only helplessly call Wing. Wing's voice on the phone was somewhat weak. Obviously, he was already very sleepy, but he was afraid that he would not be able to receive Michael 's call until now. As a result, As a result, he waited for Michael to say that James would not come back.

    Wing expressed his thanks to Michael. He turned off the air conditioner and sat on the sofa. He was still looking forward to James's return. James had come back less and less recently and only ten times a month. He huddled up and leaned against the sofa. The voices on the TV seemed a bit lively. He felt really sleepy and fell asleep on the sofa.

    At six o'clock in the morning, Wing woke up on time. James didn't come back all night and the TV was still on. Wing pressed the power off and the doorbell rang. His eyes lit up and he wondered if James had forgotten his key.

    Wing quickly walked over and opened the door. The man standing at the door was Michael . Michael scratched his head. He felt a little embarrassed when he saw the loss in Wing's eyes. "I'm sorry, it's me. The boss threw up all over yesterday and asked me to get a change of clothes. "

    "Please come in. Sit down for a while and I'll get it. "After Wing entered the room, he quickly took out the folded suit. He handed the clothes to Michael and went into the kitchen to cook again. "Assistant Song, please give this to James, his stomach was not good, you let him drink the sobering soup first. There are also some taco here. He has a hangover all night and must be feeling ill in the morning. He likes to eat taco, and there are meat buns in them. Two days ago, he said he wanted to eat, but he was too busy to come back. "He saw that Michael 's face changed a little and realized that he was too wordy. He apologized at once. "Oh, I'm sorry, I couldn't stop talking about it, which delayed your time."

    Michael motioned with his hand. "No,I remember. I will definitely ask the boss to eat it all."Michael was not at all too tired of him. He just wanted to say that his boss was now in the arms of his lover. How could he remember this wife who had shared her husband's hard lot? In the eyes of his boss, it was of no value for him to do so. He just heard that the boss was taking Nicolas to the newly opened breakfast shop. How could he eat these things?

    "Then I'll go."Michael left carrying something. He looked back at Wing, who was worried, and felt very uncomfortable.

    Michael arrived at Nicolas's residence with a lot of things. The temperature in the room was very high, it seemed that these heating fees were free. Anyway, it wasn't Nicolas who paid the money. James also paid for the apartment. Nicolas was afraid of the cold and the heating would not be turned off when he was gone. In contrast, Wing's cold room made Michael feel angry instantly. He threw things to the ground, trying to suppress his anger. "Your clothes are here. This is Wing's sobering soup and taco for you, and the steamed bun you want to eat. "He said and left, unwilling to see the two men.

    James was flirting with Nicolas. With this, James’s hands,which was holding Nicolas,was stiffened and slowly loosened it. What Michael said made James fell guilty. The clothes brought by Michael had a familiar smell. Even if you used the same washing powder, you couldn’t make it smell the same. This was the smell of Wing.

    Nicolas was a very smart person. He could see the changes in James at a glance. If he needed James, he must kick Wing down and never let James miss Wing.

    "If you like eating, you can go home. Why are you doing here?"Nicolas played his trick, which immediately made James come to his sense. Since his little lover was angry, James immediately left Wing behind. He hugged Nicolas and pressed him on the wash basin. "No one is better than you."

    Nicolas's face relaxed at this time, but he had a bad idea. He wanted Wing to get out of the house by himself, otherwise he would always be the lover, which was not what he wanted.

    Wing's carefully prepared breakfast on the table was thrown into the garbage can.This was also like his master, who couldn't get rid of the fate of being abandoned.

    After Michael left, Wing sat on the sofa doing nothing. He also wanted to find something to do, only to find that he had nothing to do at all. He had basked the quilt over and over again. The ground was spotless and the furniture was almost glowing. He turned on the TV and watched the pet program on the TV, then he watched it intently. He originally wanted to have a puppy, but James hated dogs and he couldn't get it. Now in this lonely time, he wanted a pet to accompany him.

    The doorbell rang again. Wing got up and looked at peep hole. John was standing at the door. He opened the door and invited John into the room.

    John frowned as soon as he entered the room. "why don't you turn on the heating? how can you stand the cold in the room?"

    "Sorry, I'll turn on the heating now."Wing thought he was too cold, so he went to the remote control and poured a cup of hot water to John .

    John blinked and took out a document and placed it on the table. "You are pregnant."

    Wing's hand trembled slightly. He looked up and said. "Really?"A faint pink color appeared on his face. He picked up the report on the table, which clearly stated the words of confirmed pregnancy.

    "Don't be too happy. You are bisexual. In your case, there are very few cases of pregnancy. This was simply incredible. Whether your uterus is fully developed is still unknown. In a few days, you will have to have an examination to see if there is any risk of ectopic pregnancy. If so, you must have an abortion. "

    The word abortion shocked Wing's heart. He shook his head and said. "No, no abortion."It took him years to finally conceive James's child, and James broke away from his family because of him. He wanted to use this child to ease the relationship between James and his family. In addition, James's relationship with him had also been somewhat cold recently. If they had children, their relationship would definitely improve.

    "Wing, please don't run wild. Ectopic pregnancy is very harmful to the mother. If it is ectopic pregnancy, you must have an abortion, or you will die. "

    Wing seemed to fall into hell from heaven in a few short minutes. He didn't want an abortion, he wanted the child. He could only pray in his heart that he didn’t have an ectopic pregnancy during the examination.