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    Let Me Love You Again[bxb]

    Heavy snow covered the streets in December.

    Chapter 2: Nicolas,James’s Lover

    Story: Let Me Love You Again[bxb] Author:Xiang Chi Hong Shao Rou words:6423 Update time:2019-10-26 16:00:06

    James happily finished his sex and fell asleep quickly with his arms around Wing's waist. He soon abandoned Wing's cold body, released him quickly and turned his back to Wing.

    Wing felt a dull pain in his lower abdomen and felt better only when he was curled up. He was tired and did not want to move. He fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes.

    Perhaps he was used to the internal clock for so many years, and Wing opened his eyes again at exactly 6 o'clock. This time it may also be because his stomach was really uncomfortable. The slight pain even made him unable to straighten his waist. He took a deep breath and sat by the bed for a long time.

    James slept soundly, Wing pulled the quilt for him and crept out of the room. He took out food from the refrigerator to heat it up, then took out some ingredients to make some hamburgers.

    He prepared the food and was going to wake James up. There was a noise behind him at this time. As soon as he turned his head, he saw James hurriedly tidying up his tie and leaving with his bag.

    "It's only 6: 30 a.m., how do you ..."

    "Ah, I have a meeting to attend. I'm going to be late. I have something to do at night, so I won't come back to eat. You can solve it yourself. "James bowed their heads and texted, and quickly rushed out of the house. With a "Bang"sound, the door was closed. Before he had finished speaking, all his words were interrupted by James. There was a sharp pain in his stomach, which made him dare not move. Even when breathing, he would also feel some needle pain in his stomach. He maintained this posture for several minutes before recovering.

    The fire of the gas stove was burning in Wing's eyes, making his eyes ache. He turned off the switch and took out a hamburger, which was steaming hot. At this time he felt uneasy and flustered. James didn't need him. Wing hurriedly shook his head again. No, he comforted himself. They have been together for ten years, and there would be more ten years in the future. James was just too busy. He wouldn't desert him.

    Wing lost his appetite. He was in pain and was going to the hospital. He was afraid of the cold and felt his hands and feet were cold all the year round. How could he keep these parts warm? Once upon a time, James would warm him up. Wing's heart was throbbing again when he thought of James pushing him away last night. He dumped the food and put on several layers of clothes to find John .

    John was a doctor specially appointed by James for Wing. Wing's physical condition was very special. He didn't want anyone to know. Therefore, he found John to be Wing's private doctor.

    John listened to Wing's explanation. He frowned and thought for a long time. "Wing, I suggest you have a urine test to see if you are pregnant."

    Wing suddenly quickly raised his head. He opened his mouth and could not say anything. "Am I, am I pregnant?"

    John 's expression was somewhat heavy. "We can’t rule out this possibility. However, Wing, you should not be too happy either, which was not necessarily a good thing for you. Your body may not be suitable for pregnancy. "

    What John said was like a bolt from the blue to Wing. He pinched his clothes tightly. James was originally a rich second generation. When he announced that he was separated from his family, he was driven out of the family by his father. James made all the efforts and now he had set up a company. Wing knew that he had no skill and could not give James some help in business matters. He could only take care of the housework at home to make James comfortable. James's mother loved James very much and often secretly gave Wing some money or things. She also missed her son very much and often hesitated when talking to Wing. He knew that James's mother wanted him to leave James. Facing James's mother, Wing always felt guilty. If he could give James a child, James's father would certainly let go. In this way, James could go home occasionally and James's mother would be happier.

    "Do a urine test first. The report will come out tomorrow and I'll send it to you."

    "Thank you, Dr. John."Wing rubbed his hands and walked out of John 's office to take the bus home. James's clothes hadn't been washed yet. It's sunny today. He would take out the quilts for drying later so that he could smell the sun when he slept at night.

    Wing ate a little dinner casually, but still felt uncomfortable in his stomach. He looked at the clock, it was already 12 o'clock. He held his cell phone, hesitated for a long time, and dialed James's cell phone number, but no one answered. The cold female voice on the other end of the phone told him that there was no answer. He looked again in the address book and dialed James's assistant.

    "Hello, who is it?"Michael came out of the box with his ears covered. Looking at his boss James flirting with his lover, he shook his head and sighed.

    "Ah ... it's me, Wing."

    Hearing that it was Wing, Michael immediately cheered himself up. "Wing, you are asking the boss what he is doing. He has a dinner party today. Don't worry, I will watch him. "

    "Don't let him drink too much wine, his stomach is not good. When he come back, please tell me, I'll get him something to relieve the hangover, otherwise if he feels uncomfortable tomorrow, how can he work? "Wing also felt very sorry to hear that James was still entertaining others so late. This was all because he was too stingy to think that James had a lover outside. He earnestly told Michael to take good care of James. After putting down his cell phone, he turned on the air conditioner. It was too cold in the room. Wing would only turn on the air conditioner when James was coming back. James always blamed him for being too economical. However, he could not bear to use the money James earned so hard.

    Michael breathed a sigh of relief, he put down his cell phone and returned to the box. James was flirting with his lover. That was a beautiful young boy, still in college, called Nicolas. This person just came to the company for an internship six months ago, and the young and fashionable Nicolas immediately attracted James. James took him to and from various banquets and then somehow had sex with him in the name of taking him to study. Now, the two of them were really in love. Michael was ashamed of James's behavior, because he was a single-minded person, he had his own wife, and he was obedient to his wife. Therefore, he even felt sorry for Wing for James's behavior. He only met Wing a few times, and remembered that he was a gentle and quiet boy with soft hair, big dark eyes and a white T-shirt and loose washed jeans. This might still be what he picked up from James. He still remembered that James once forgot to take the documents and Wing took a taxi to deliver them. On a hot day, Wing was sweating all over. Michael asked him to go in and have a rest. He refused and brought some hamburgers for James. Wing worried that he would embarrass James. Wing handed over the documents and hamburgers to Michael and then went to the bus stop to wait for the bus. Michael said he would send Wing back,but Wing refused, saying he was afraid of delaying his work. He asked Wing to take a taxi back. Wing said it was too expensive because he did not want to waste James's money.

    Michael kept reviling James in his heart, but he also had to work and support his wife and children. He couldn't tear with his boss and lose his job. He could only feel sorry for Wing. However, he had no good impression of Nicolas.

    "Boss, it's time to go."Michael tactfully hinted at James. By this time, James was already drunk and waved, "You go, I'm not going anywhere."

    "Go to my place."Nicolas laughed and hooked James's neck with his hand. The people around them were booing. The others here knew very well about the relationship between Nicolas and James, but they did not know that there was still an unknown Wing in James's home.