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    Let Me Love You Again[bxb]

    Heavy snow covered the streets in December.

    Chapter 4: Infidelity

    Story: Let Me Love You Again[bxb] Author:Xiang Chi Hong Shao Rou words:4362 Update time:2019-10-27 16:00:05

    The word abortion shocked Wing's heart. He shook his head and said. "No, no abortion."It took him years to finally conceive James's child, and James broke away from his family because of him. He wanted to use this child to ease the relationship between James and his family. In addition, James's relationship with him had also been somewhat cold recently. If they had children, their relationship would definitely improve.

    "Wing, please don't run wild. Ectopic pregnancy is very harmful to the mother. If it is ectopic pregnancy, you must have an abortion, or you will die. "

    Wing seemed to fall into hell from heaven in a few short minutes. He didn't want an abortion, he wanted the child. He could only pray in his heart that he didn’t have an ectopic pregnancy during the examination.

    Wing could only promise John to have her ectopic pregnancy examined. John told him many things, especially not to sleep with James. Wing blushed and nodded. John said that James was not restrained, and Wing's stomachache was also caused by James's too much action during sex, which hurt the children who had not yet been formed. If this happened again, the child would miscarry.

    Wing was sitting in the living room, intending to tell James the good news when he returned. They had their own children. He touched his stomach and couldn't help laughing.

    James did not come back for more than ten days in a row. Every morning, Michael would come to get the clothes, and Wing always made breakfast for him to bring to James. Michael couldn't bear to tell him that all these delicious foods had entered his stomach and his boss didn't bother to look at them. At first, Wing would also ask Michael whether James would come back. After a few days, he was embarrassed for fear of boring Michael .

    The Christmas was approaching in a twinkling of an eye, and the weather was getting colder and colder. Wing and John went for a pregnancy test and the results were normal. He was not ectopic pregnant. His fetus was very good, and he was very happy about it and wanted to tell James the good news. But he wanted to tell James face to face. He hesitated and dialed James's telephone number.

    James's phone rang for a long time. Just when Wing was going to hang up, the phone was finally connected. His eyes lit up and his voice trembled a little. "James ..."

    "Hello, who is this?"A strange and young voice came from the phone, which made Wing unable to continue. It took him a while to say. "Uh, I'm looking for James."

    "James, He is taking a bath."Nicolas knew this was Wing. He said it on purpose. James's delay in clarifying their relationship with Wing made him uncomfortable. Since James did not say so, he would do it. Since Wing called today, they simply explained all this.

    "When he finished his bath, ask him to call me back."Wing wanted to hang up the phone. He knew what Nicolas wanted to say. He was not a fool, but he wanted to play dumb. He didn't want to know that James had a lover outside, so just let him play dumb. In this way, he would not have to face the facts. James would still come back to him.

    Wing hastily hung up the phone. He threw his cell phone in the sofa and hid in the bedroom. The mobile phone was like a devil, tearing his heart apart. The person answering the phone took away his hope and pushed him into the abyss. He didn't know what to do. His tears fell on the pregnancy test list, which made the paper wet.

    After taking a bath, James saw Nicolas put down his cell phone. He seemed a little angry. "What are you doing with my cell phone?"He grabbed his cell phone and saw the call on it, then his face darkened. "What did you just say to Wing?"

    Nicolas was also very angry about this. "James, what do you mean by this? I don't want to be your underground lover. I just told Wing that we were together, and I told him to fuck off. If you love him, don't be with me. "He pushed James with his hand and told him to go home. How could James tolerate this? He had always been praised by people. He couldn't bear to like Nicolas any more. He put on his clothes and left.

    James did not know how to face Wing. At this time, Wing must be crying at home. He was not in the mood to comfort Wing now. So he had to drive to the bar. He was drunk and forgot to bring his wallet. Michael was out on business, and he could not call him back. Finally He had to call Wing.

    The mobile phone kept shaking on the sofa. At this point, Wing hid in the room crying and fell asleep, and did not answer the phone.

    James cursed in exasperation. Wing always answered his phone before. It seemed that Wing was angry with him. In desperation, he dialed the telephone of Nicolas again, and Nicolas came soon. He was angry with James,but he never wanted to lose James, a rich man. He called a taxi and wanted to take James back to his residence, but on second thought he let the driver drive to James's apartment.

    James was delirious and smashed the door frantically, waking Wing up. Wing woke up from a dream. Seeing it was James from the peep hole, he hurriedly opened the door.

    A strange boy was standing beside James. He threw James into Wing's arms and was about to leave. At this point, James grabbed Nicolas and pressed him against the wall to kiss him.

    Wing's face instantly turned pale and he stepped back two steps and took James by the arm. "James, you are drunk."