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    Let Me Love You Again[bxb]

    Heavy snow covered the streets in December.

    Chapter 15: When They Were in High School

    Story: Let Me Love You Again[bxb] Author:Xiang Chi Hong Shao Rou words:6424 Update time:2019-11-07 16:00:05

    James was 6 feet tall when he was a freshman in high school. Wing was only 5 feet 2 inches tall, so James was like a huge mountain. He blocked the door, Wing could not escape.

    "Fellow student, I went to the wrong dormitory."

    "James."James was very dissatisfied with Wing's address to him. Wing had some doubts about this. He could not understand what he said.

    James had to say it again, "My name is James. Sit down."

    Wing was very afraid of him. Since James asked him to sit down, he sat down obediently and could not resist. Under the wide sleeves he was wearing, there was a faint bluish purple skin.

    James grabbed his hand and opened his sleeve. Wing's white arms were covered with bruises. Wing wanted to draw his hand back, but he was not as strong as James, and finally could only obey him. If James wanted to see it, just let him see it.

    "Who beat you like this?"James felt a little angry. He felt that someone had bullied Wing. Wing was a person he liked. How can he let others bully Wing?

    "Nothing. I did it myself."Wing took advantage of James's inattention and finally put his hand back. He pulled down his sleeve and secretly tried to run.

    "where are you going? Come back."James gave Wing a gentle tug. Wing did not gain a firm foothold and lay directly in his arms. "You live here. Where are you going?"

    "I ..."Wing was scared out of tears by him. He wanted to huddle into a corner. How could he live with this man? What if his secret is found out?

    Wing couldn't escape and had to arrange things obediently. He watched James make the bed restlessly and make a mess. He couldn't stand such a scene and went to his side to help him make his bed. Finally, James sat on the stool like a master, while Wing, like a virtuous little wife, tidied up everything for him. At that time, James was thinking that he must let Wing become his lover and then marry him back home to be his wife for the rest of his life. However, Wing was so afraid of him, how could he make Wing love him?

    Wing lived in the same dormitory with James at that time, but Wing always hid from him as if he were a devil. We could say that Wing was like a little squirrel that could not be touched. Instead, he run around, which made James feel both funny and annoying.

    The relationship between James and Wing was changed by an accident. One day, James saw a group of people holding Wing and did not know where they would go, so he followed them all the way. He found them entering an equipment room in the gymnasium. He did not know what had happened, so he stood at the door and hesitated for a long time. Until he heard Wing's screams, he couldn't help it any longer. He kicked the door open and the people inside were startled by him. The scene before him also made James feel extremely angry.

    Wing's clothes were torn open and naked, which made James feel very angry. He punched the man who was still holding Wing's arm in the face. The strength of his blow made the man almost fly out. Several people around saw their companion being beaten and immediately picked up the tools around them as weapon and rushed up. However, James was like a raging lion, which seemed to feel no pain at all. He was clearly beaten black and blue all over, but he kept fighting back. What made people feel incredible was that he finally won. His head and mouth were bleeding and had many bruises on his face. James walked up to Wing, who was so scared, dressed him, took off his coat and covered Wing. Then he vomited one mouthful blood and led Wing away.

    James probably didn't know just at the moment he entered the door, Wing fell in love with him. James, like a god, came to redeem him. Without James, he did not know what would happen to him today. The palm of James's hand was very big and warm. Wing lowered his head to smell the taste of James's clothes. A faint smile appeared on his mouth.

    At this time, it was James's turn not to go to the hospital. Wing could not persuade him, so he had to deal with the wound for him simply. Ambiguous breath travelled so quickly. Who could control lust when you are young? James clasped Wing's head with his hand and kissed him. Wing was stunned by him. He did not know how to resist or kiss. Only when James loosened him, his face looked like a ripe tomato, and then he ran away in a panic.

    Wing was even more afraid of him, which made James very angry. Every time he took one step, Wing stepped back three steps, making him impossible to get close. James was upset about this. Finally, one night, James and his fair-weather friends went back to the dormitory after getting drunk in the bar. His friends left him to Wing. Before they left, Wing did not know what they said. James knew he could not lose face. He opened the dormitory door and dragged Wing into the room. No matter how Wing cried, James did not stop, until he took off all Wing’s clothes and found out Wing's secret. But he didn't feel sick about it. He listened to Wing's cry, but it made his sexual desire stronger. He drank too much wine and was not afraid of anything, thus making Wing lose his virginity. He still remembered that Wing was crying and was dying. However, he only felt that Wing's body was heaven and only wanted to penetrate his whole body severely. He repeatedly made love to Wing and saw the blood flowing from Wing's lower body. His self-esteem as a man was greatly satisfied. Whether it was Wing's first night or not, he had sex with Wing all night. Wing's sheets were covered with blood and mucus. In the end, Wing could only lie on the bed feebly and was repeatedly played with by James like a rag doll.

    James woke up from a dream in a cold sweat. His mind played back the youthful and beautiful appearance of Wing. He sighed and rubbed his hair. His genitals were actually erect, which upset him. He was lying on the steering wheel as if he wanted to hug someone. But two words came out of his lips: "Wing."He missed Wing so much. The regret in his heart was like a big wave on the seashore, which entered into his heart and made him feel restless. James took Wing's cell phone and slid it around with his hand. This mobile phone was fully charged. James turned on the cell phone and stayed on the missed call. This phone had only three missed calls, all from John . When he opened the address book again, there were only four phone numbers, James, Michael , John and James's mother.

    James opened the photo album, which was full of his photos. This was taken by Wing secretly, but none of them was about Wing. Only then did James realize that he did not have a picture of Wing. Now if he just wanted to miss Wing and did not have any photos of Wing.

    James felt very regretful. He looked at the missed call from John on the cell phone and wondered. Why did John call Wing so many times? He felt a little jealous. Did John have anything to do with Wing? He subconsciously felt that as long as he went for John , he must know where Wing was.

    John looked at an unlikely number on the phone call. Today he happened to be at Robert 's house. Wing asked him to come to dinner. He glanced at Wing and walked to the door. "Wing, I'll pick up the phone."

    Wing nodded. "John , you must come back soon. The meal will be ready soon. "

    John answered, closed the door and connected the phone. He asked in a cold tone in an instant. "Hello, who is it?"

    James seemed to be stuck in his throat. He cleared his throat and said. "Do you know where Wing is?"

    John could not help but sneer at in his heart. "I don't know. Didn't you break up already? You also told me to leave it alone."

    James was choked speechless by his words and gave a dull grunt and hung up the phone. But he always felt that something was wrong and then dialed Michael 's telephone number.

    No sooner had Michael fallen asleep than James woke him up. He answered the phone with eyes half closed. "You contact the private detective to track John . And you have to help find Wing. "