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    Let Me Love You Again[bxb]

    Heavy snow covered the streets in December.

    Chapter 16: He Just Loved Wing

    Story: Let Me Love You Again[bxb] Author:Xiang Chi Hong Shao Rou words:6605 Update time:2019-11-08 16:00:05

    Michael was still sleepy with eyes half closed. He was thinking that his boss finally understood all this and knew that Wing was good to him. Though he must obey James's order to help him carry out the investigation, but his thought that it was the best if he could not find it, so let Wing be the pain in James’s heart for a lifetime. What you couldn't get was the best. People are sometimes so mean.

    He promised repeatedly on the phone, just hoping his boss would hang up the phone and let him have a good sleep.

    James hung up the phone and sat in the car seat again. He still wanted to sleep and dream of Wing, but this time he didn't get what he wanted. Wing did not enter his dream, probably because he abandoned Wing cruelly, so Wing would never come back.

    When James went to work the next day, he looked a little depressed. Before he could catch his breath, Nicolas pushed through the door with a straight face. "Where did you go last night? Why didn't you come back? "

    On this morning, James could not stand such resentment from others. He didn't said anything, trying to calm his mood. He didn't want to quarrel with Nicolas, because the more they quarreled, the more he missed Wing. He even felt whether he was stupid enough to give up such a good Wing and have to be with people like Nicolas.

    When James did not speak, Nicolas directly threw an envelope on his desk. James didn't bother to look, but he still saw the scattered photos.

    The person in the photo was himself.

    "Do you have someone to follow me?"James felt very angry at this time. Nicolas had gone too far in this way, and now he had someone to follow him. Did Nicolas regard James as his slave?

    "Don't frame me. You did a bad thing, I don't know who is following you. This was stuffed in front of my house today, and I don't know who sent it. "Nicolas looked at him and snorted coldly. "You seem to be a passionate person. You still miss the old lover. If you miss him, you can go to him. You can abandon me just as you abandoned him. "

    Maybe Nicolas thought too high of his position in James's heart, or because James had been treating him like a gentle lover, so that he didn't know what kind of person James was. Therefore, when James smashed the document on Nicolas's head, he was stunned and his eyes were red. "Get out."James said simply. He seemed calm but dangerous, which made Nicolas feel really afraid. Nicolas did not say anything, stood up and went out. It was not until he closed James's door that he came to his sense and breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, Nicolas knew that he was nothing to James. It was better not to annoy him too much, or he might be beaten back to his original form the next second. He had just graduated and could not live without the protection of James. However, once he caught the chance to find someone higher than James, he would definitely abandon James without hesitation.

    James looked at the picture in his hand and felt a little upset. He slipped these photos into the drawer. Recently, a batch of goods in the factory had problems and could not be handed over on time, resulting in incalculable losses. The company had also had a series of problems in its capital chain, but generally speaking, it was impossible to have any problems with that batch of goods. Because the goods were too important, he personally checked them six times. How could there be any problems that he could not check? The only thing he could think of now is that there may be internal enemies. Today, Nicolas received such picture, which was probably a warning. However, he still had no clue about what the real purpose of the other party was.

    At this time when he was upset, James missed Wing even more. Wing's kindness to him was like being magnified by a magnifying glass. What Wing did for him, which he took for granted, turned out to be so precious. Only then did he know that not everyone would love him like Wing.

    Wing had been living in Robert 's home for one month. He was seven months pregnant, which made his movement inconvenient. Although he wanted to help Robert very much, Robert did not allow him to do so. He could only help Wing pack flowers and prune flowers and clean the house at home.

    The mobile phone on the table shook. He didn't even have to think about it. It was either Robert or John . No third person knew his cell phone number. He picked up his cell phone and the screen showed John 's name. Wing pressed the answer key, and the voice was like a cold spring flowed into his ears. "Wing, have me to dinner tonight. Today is my birthday."

    "John , why didn't you tell me in advance that I didn't prepare any presents."Wing heard John say today is his birthday, but he didn't prepare anything, so he was somewhat embarrassed. John had given him great help and he was still wondering when he could repay him.

    "You have a meal with me, which is the best gift for me."

    Wing felt a little feverish on his cheek. He held his mobile phone a little further away from his face, as if it would make him feel better. "Then when you get off work, just call me."

    The tone of John 's voice changed, and he was somewhat unable to conceal his happiness. "Well, I'll pick you up after work."

    Wing put down the phone and turned to look for clothes in the room. He opened the cupboard and picked out a dress that satisfied him. However, when he was changing clothes, he still felt inferior when he saw his bloated figure. His once slender waist had disappeared, replaced by a paunchy belly. What saddened him most was that the father of the unborn child had abandoned him so mercilessly. Wing rubbed his sore waist and began to change clothes. He looked at the whole house and felt that he could not go empty-handed. However, his family only had flowers, and he did not know what flowers John liked. He had to pack some flowers, and regarded them as his own kindly feelings.

    It was getting dark, and John called him. Wing put on his clothes and wanted to go downstairs. When he opened the door, John was already standing outside.

    He was worried that Wing was nervous about this and that he would fall down again, so he called ahead of time and went upstairs.

    It's hot outside. John 's forehead was covered with sweat. Wing took out a paper towel and frowned slightly. "John , why don't you come in and sit down?"

    The smell of Wing lingered in his nose. Wing had no idea how much influence he had on John . Why didn't he go in? Even if Wing was now paunchy, John could not guarantee what he would do in this hot and dry day alone with Wing.


    "I just arrived, so I didn't knock at the door. I am worried that you will fall down if you hurry to open the door. "John 's eyes looked a bit erratic. He grabbed Wing's wrist. "All right, Wing, let's go."

    Wing felt at this time that the atmosphere was very ambiguous. He withdrew his hand, lowered his eyes and suddenly remembered something. "John , wait a minute."Wing entered the room and soon came out with a bunch of flowers. His red face was blocked by the bouquet, and he held the bouquet tightly. "Happy birthday, John ."

    John opened his mouth and He didn't expect Wing would send him flowers. He really didn't know whether Wing was dull or a master of love.

    "Thank you, Wing."John took the flowers and his eyes became more tender. He carefully held Wing down the stairs. Wing was already very thin, and now even if he was pregnant, as long as he was covered with a trench coat, no one else could see it.

    John was driving and Wing wanted to sleep. John was afraid that he would get cold. After turning on the air conditioner, he also prepared blankets for him. When John arrived at his house, he opened the door and poked Wing in the face. "Little lazybones, get up."

    John gave people a very different feeling than before. He was very gentle and made people feel very at ease. He seemed to be a charming young gentleman who was so polite in ancient times.

    Wing got off the car and got a fright. He thought they were going to the hotel, but a beautiful villa was in front of him. "John , where is this?"