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    Let Me Love You Again[bxb]

    Heavy snow covered the streets in December.

    Chapter 14: James’s Dreams

    Story: Let Me Love You Again[bxb] Author:Xiang Chi Hong Shao Rou words:4069 Update time:2019-11-06 16:00:05

    James felt too tired. His work in the company was very busy and he had to deal with Nicolas when he got home. Nicolas knew that there had been some problems in the company recently and he still spent money without restraint, which made James really troublesome. When he got home, he didn't smell the food or have a hot bath. In the morning, no one woke him up, and he had to set the alarm clock specially. No one helped him to tidy up his clothes, and there was no smell of Wing. He didn't like outsiders, and several nannies he hired earlier resigned one after another because of Nicolas's criticism. Nicolas said James was a very picky person, but his stomach kept protesting. He was used to the delicious food made by Wing. If it was not Wing's food, and he didn't like to eat. If it weren't for Wing's house, he would feel very dirty.

    The sea breeze made him feel too comfortable, so he fell asleep. He had a dream. In the dream, he returned to high school.

    It was a hot summer and he was playing basketball. The basketball suddenly lost control and hit a boy under the tree. He only glanced at the boy, and the noisy summer and basketball court seemed completely quiet.

    The boy under the tree was hit in the head by the basketball, and his white forehead looked flushed. For the first time, James knew that a boy's skin was so white, like a piece of bean curd. He had big eyes, and his soft hair was somewhat long. As soon as he walked past, the boy stood up instantly and started to run. The boy ran and he ran after him. James didn't know why he ran. Couldn't he see his red forehead? That basketball was so heavy, how could someone be okay to be hit? Sure enough, the boy knelt on the ground before running a few steps. His hands and legs were all worn out, then he fainted on the ground.

    James had to carry him to the medical room. As a result, the doctor said he might have a concussion and asked him to take the boy to the hospital for X-rays.

    The boy suddenly woke up. As soon as he heard that he was going to the hospital, he started crying. He always insisted that he would not go. Later, James learned that he was afraid of spending money and his family knew about it.

    James didn't care so much. Even though the boy was very resistant to this, James still took him to have a CT scan. The results showed that it was really a concussion. The boy's name was Wing. James smiled when he saw Wing's name. He was really like a little sheep, which was really like him.

    Wing sat on the chair in the corridor with grievance. He was clearly the victim, but he was even more afraid than the perpetrator. He gently tugged at the skirts of James. "Hey, can I go back? I won't depend on you, will you let me go? "

    James was afraid of any mishap. If he had a concussion, he must be checked. He did not understand why Wing was so afraid, but he could not let Wing have any mishaps. "No way."He refused Wing seriously. Wing lowered his head and his tears dropped one by one.

    James was flustered by Wing's crying. When girls cried, he didn't know what to do, let alone he was a boy. "Don't cry. What’s gotten into you? Are you not feeling well? "

    Wing shook his head but vomited naughtily. He covered his mouth with a pair of watery eyes. He looked at James, which made James's throat tighten. He swallowed with his red face and his back to Wing. He was afraid of this and looked down on himself. Because he had a physical reaction to a boy, he never doubted his sexual orientation. However, Wing had shattered his hypocrisy. Wing was like a mirror that revealed his true face and made him understand that in fact you liked men.

    "I don't have money, I can't told my family about this matter. I'm fine. Please, fellow students, please let me go. "Wing looked very anxious. If his stepmother knew about this, she would certainly beat him up. His stepmother had never let him come to the hospital before, saying she was afraid that he would expose his special body and make them laugh at by others.

    James wanted to laugh after hearing what Wing said. Clearly it was he who did something wrong, but Wing was more afraid than he was. It made him even more curious about Wing. The more Wing feared and cried, the more he wouldn't let Wing go. He forced Wing to stay in the hospital for a week.

    At the beginning of the semester, they didn't know they were classmates. More coincidentally, Wing and he were in the same dormitory. There were only two or three dormitories for two people in this school. Only students who were not well could apply. However, James simply did not want to live with so many students, so he used his influence to directly apply for such dormitories. In this way, he lived with Wing by accident.

    Wing was the first to arrive at the dormitory. He was startled when he heard the door open. He clearly applied for a single-man dormitory, how could there be others? However, before he could react from the shock, he immediately began to pack up his things and prepare to run out at the moment he saw James.