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    Let Me Love You Again[bxb]

    Heavy snow covered the streets in December.

    Chapter 8: Wing Encountered a Car Accident

    Story: Let Me Love You Again[bxb] Author:Xiang Chi Hong Shao Rou words:3901 Update time:2019-10-31 16:00:05

    Wing tightened his scarf. His breath turned white mist in the cold air. He stared at the white mist in front of him, and did not notice the runaway car behind him. Fortunately, the driver of this car turned the steering wheel and only hit Wing's leg. However, when the wheel pressed straight past, Wing sat down on the ground and could not stand up at all. He didn't even have time to scream and saw his bloody leg. He was trembling all over.

    The car that caused the accident quickly fled the scene. More and more people gathered around Wing. They took photos with their mobile phones, but no one helped him. Wing covered his face helplessly. He felt like a monkey in a zoo and was humiliated at will.

    A man squeezed in. Wing saw someone stretch his hands. That was his savior. Wing held out his trembling hand to him .

    "Don't be afraid, I have already called an ambulance."Wing couldn't hold up at all, but he still held up. He couldn't let others discover his secret.

    Wing was like a frightened rabbit. He looked at the man in front of him with red eyes. He lost his cognitive ability and could not even distinguish the man's appearance. He put his hand in the man's hand. "James, I'm afraid."He did not dare to look at his legs. He was afraid of blood. He was afraid that he would pass out like this.

    The man knew he was mistaken and did not explain it to him. He just patted him on the shoulder, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

    "Do you have a cell phone?"

    Wing shook his head. "My cell phone is at home. I am very docile. I didn't take my cell phone. I didn't take anything. "

    The man scratched his head awkwardly. "Do you remember the cell phone numbers of your family and friends?"

    Wing had few friends. James protected him very well, but it was also another kind of occupation in disguise. He had few friends and could not find a way out of the house. The only people he knew were John , James and his assistants.

    Wing finally remembered that he was abandoned by James, this man was not James. He came to his sense, pain spread through his body and devoured his spirit like ants eating bones. "No, James deserted me. I don't know anyone."

    Wing just sat on the ground, as if he had lost his soul. Until the sound of the ambulance came, he was quickly carried to the ambulance, and he was not willing to loosen the man's hand.

    The man did not break free. He followed Wing onto the ambulance. The ambulance's voice was harsh. The doctor made a simple bandage. Wing's blood was soaked in layers of bandages. Wing was already exhausted. He felt very tired and wanted to sleep. But he couldn't. If he fell asleep, he didn't even know what would happen to him.

    James sat in the car and felt a little fidgety. The ambulance in front had the right of priority, but he would be late for the meeting. He was used to Wing waking him up and doing everything for him. Now, Nicolas didn't care about anything. In a short period of two months, his life had become a mess. Nicolas even asked him to do housework together. He had never done housework before. He couldn't even wash clothes, so he could only throw clothes after wearing. They couldn't cook, just eat out every time. Though it didn't cost much to eat out every day, he also wanted to eat at home. Nicolas didn't want to cook at all and even asked him to hire a nanny. He was increasingly dissatisfied with Nicolas. In the first ten days or so, they still loved each other very much. Now, conflicts had gradually formed between them. At this point, he was incredibly missing Wing. However, this was his own choice. He could only choose to compromise and slowly adjust to Nicolas. He didn't want to admit that he had made a wrong choice, and he didn't want to lower his head to find Wing. He even expected Wing to come for him. If Wing came to him and played with him, he would return to Wing's side. However, Wing did not contact him for two months. It seemed that Wing was really capable and was no longer need him and showed no weakness. James was also a stubborn person. He hadn't been back to see him during this period of time. He was waiting for the weak Wing to come and beg him to go back. However, he did not know that Wing had long been absent from that familiar home.

    The ambulance left finally. James cursed in his heart. It happened that the ambulance was in his way when he was in a hurry for the meeting. That man really deserved to be hit by a car. However, he did not expect that just a few minutes ago, there was a helpless Wing sitting on the bloody ground across the street.

    Coincidentally, when John went out to give first aid and opened the car door to lift the wounded, he was also somewhat shocked. The injured person turned out to be Wing.

    John was holding the cart. When Wing saw him, his tears burst out. "Doctor John, I am in pain."