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    Let Me Love You Again[bxb]

    Heavy snow covered the streets in December.

    Chapter 7: Wing Was On the Construction Site

    Story: Let Me Love You Again[bxb] Author:Xiang Chi Hong Shao Rou words:5046 Update time:2019-10-30 16:00:04

    Wing sat alone in the corner eating boxed meal at night. Though the food was not very delicious, he thought it was the most delicious food he had eaten in the past month. He had let his children suffer a lot of injustice, he naturally wanted to eat clean food. He was somewhat restrained and afraid of these men when working here. To him, they were horrible people. In particular, these men who worked on construction sites were abstaining from sex all the year round. Maybe they would do something to him. He thought so not because of narcissism, but because of his special constitution, so he had to be on guard. And when he was in high school, he was especially attractive to men. At that time, there were always people who wanted to do bad things to him, but he had James to protect him.

    At the thought of James, Wing couldn't eat any more. His tears fell unwillingly. He hurriedly wiped it with his sleeve and ate it. Now, what's the point of thinking about James? James was such a heartless person that he didn't care about him at all. James was enjoying his lover,how could he remember him?

    The work on the construction site was very hard. Before long, Wing felt pain all over. Besides, he could only do it for a short time here. when his child was growing up, there were more things for him to do. He couldn't live among these men. Wing felt his body was going to pieces. He slept in the corner, trying to stay away from the men, lest they should discover his secret. He put his hand gently on his lower abdomen to appease the unborn child. His eyes grew heavier and heavier, and finally he could not help closing them slowly. He could no longer care for this day's exhaustion of body and mind, nor for injustice and sadness. He was so tired that he hoped to go to sleep at once.

    James sent Nicolas to his apartment after work,and was ready to go back and pack up some things, but Nicolas grabbed him. "What are you going back to do. If you need anything, you can buy it again. I don't want you to go back. "Nicolas was afraid that after he went back, Wing's pettish behavior and crying would soften James's heart. Seeing that James had no intention of breaking with Wing before, he knew that James was still thinking about Wing. After all, they had been together for ten years, but he was not so sure. If James softened and abandoned him, he would suffer defeat on the verge of victory.

    James also did not know how to face Wing. At the thought of Wing's sad eyes, he felt a little uneasy. Wing had been protected by him for so long. Now, Wing lost him suddenly, What should he do?

    Nicolas saw that he appeared absent-minded, and felt panic inside his heart. "If you regret it, you can go back now and continue living with your old lover."Nicolas never cried in presence of James. His sudden tears made James not know what to do.

    "How can it be? Baby, don't cry, I won't go back. I will never go back again, ok?"

    James comforted Nicolas for a long time, and his cell phone suddenly rang. He kissed Nicolas on the face. Nicolas was a sensible man. He knew that he should be flexible, and he stopped talking. The caller was John. James thought for a long time before he remembered that John was the private doctor he had hired for Wing.

    James answered the phone. Before John said anything, he said, "Wing and I have already parted, and we won't have to bother you."

    What John wanted to say was stuck in his mouth. He gave a dull grunt and hung up.

    After hearing James's words, Nicolas couldn't help smiling. Though James was somewhat restless, new lovers always surpassed old ones. He put all his attention on Nicolas and cast aside Wing in his mind. At the end of the day, this was how people behave. He was tired of Wing, but when he really broke with Wing, he was a little worried about him.

    John listened to the faint bell in the door and the locked door in front of him. A cold light was reflected from under his glasses. He stared at the phone records between him and James, with a somewhat complicated eyes. He stood at the door for a long time before turning and leaving.

    Time passed quickly. Wing had been working on the construction site for two months and his body could not bear it. He overestimated himself, and if he went on like this, the children in his belly would not be able to be carried sooner or later. He also thought that he would not do it once he got paid. One day, when he got up, he heard some noise outside the barrack. He saw many people crowded together, and some others were holding banners. He remembered that these people had been discussing the wages a few days ago. He was shocked and saw several big words written on their banner. "Give My Hard-earned Money Back."

    He already knew what this was all about, and the contractor had already run away with the money. Wing felt dizzy in his brain. In these two months, he had been living with his savings. He didn't dare to eat anything but a 15-dollar boxed meal every day. Now, he really had no money.

    It's no use pulling banners, his wages would never come back. Wing packed up his luggage quickly. He didn't have much time to waste. He had to find a new job quickly, or he would wander the streets with his children.

    Wing bowed his head and walked along the street. He hadn't worked in society for a long time. He lived with James after graduating from high school and did not look for a job after graduating from college. James started his business when he was in college. He didn't let Wing suffer this before. Wing naturally did not know how hard it was to find a job, let alone that this was a dangerous world. He had moved bricks and sandbags for two months in a row, and his hands were frostbitten, like a piece of dry land with a deep opening, very scary. His wound was covered with sand and dust, and he felt pain when he clenched his fist. He looked at his hand and tears almost fell down. He refrained. He locked the tears in his eyes to prevent them from falling. He didn't want to cry when things happen to him. It was because he was too useless that James abandoned him. He would never cry again. He couldn't help secretly thinking in his heart that he would never cry again and James shall come back to him.