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    Let Me Love You Again[bxb]

    Heavy snow covered the streets in December.

    Chapter 6: Meet With A Refusal

    Story: Let Me Love You Again[bxb] Author:Xiang Chi Hong Shao Rou words:3458 Update time:2019-10-29 16:00:05

    The street seemed a bit cold and cheerless today, it was just 4: 00 p.m. and there were few people in the street. Wing remembered that today was the Christmas. He rubbed his eyes and shivered with cold.

    The lights of every family seemed to laugh at Wing. He had no home. His family did not want him. Because his mother died when he was very young, his father took his stepmother. The stepmother disliked him as a freak and drove him out of the house when he was very young, and never allowed him to go home. His stepmother gave him tuition, but she wanted him to die outside. The living expenses of $200 a month were barely enough to keep him alive. In addition, he was with James later, and his family even rejected him and wanted to make a clean break with him. At that time, he never felt lonely or sad because he was with James. At this time of the year, Wing should be making taco, then bringing it to the tea table, lying in James's arms, eating while watching TV. But those days were gone from today.

    Wing could not understand how James changed his mind and abandoned him. How could he be so cruel, completely oblivious to the feelings of the past ten years, casually falling in love with someone else, leaving him no room at all, and then violently throwing him out of the house? He remembered the fashionable and beautiful boy again, and then glanced at his old-fashioned dress. He felt a little inferior. He didn't want to spend James's money. His whole suit was bought only after James had to attend several meetings and have a few social parties. He felt that these clothes he was wearing were quite good and there was no need to wear them so well. Anyway, he didn't go out much before. He thought for a moment, perhaps it was because of this that James got tired of him.

    Wing also didn't have much cash with him and didn't know where to go. He even left the cell phone James bought him at home.

    He didn't take the bank card from James either. Fortunately, he still had some savings, which could last for a period of time. As for the future, he really didn't know how to live. He had no skills and did not know how to live. He had long forgotten what he learned in college. He had never come out to work. Who could he rely upon? He now felt very regretful. He wondered if James would not have left him now if he had come out to work. Even if he lost James now, he wouldn't be so bewildered.

    Wing was walking when he saw a cafe on the side of the road hiring people. He hesitated and went in.

    "Hello, excuse me, are you still hiring?"

    A girl walked out of the cafe and squinted at Wing. "No."

    Wing saw the look in her eyes and he blushed and hurried out of the gate. He asked several stores one after another along the way, but he was met with a refusal. He began to feel worried. He didn't know the job was so hard to find. The confidence that he had at first disappeared, the money that he had on him would not last for a few days, and he had a child in his belly. However, he really couldn't take James's money. As for his original home, he shook his head when he thought of his family. His family would not let him go back. He walked around aimlessly until his eyes saw a construction site. He stood in front of the gate of the construction site and finally walked in in fear and trembling.

    "No way. What can you do with this small body? If you hurt yourself before you get something,we can't afford you. "The contractor immediately waved his hand when he saw Wing's small body.

    Wing bit his lip and took the contractor's hand. "Please, I really need this job. Please, I can really work. If you don't believe me, I can give you a free day, do you think this is ok? If I can do it, you shall accept me. "

    Wing looked very young. As soon as the contractor heard that he was willing to work for nothing for a day, he let go. "Then you have a try. I must first declare to you that if you don't do well, you will leave immediately. "

    Wing was very grateful to him. He wiped away tears and thanked the contractor repeatedly. His action was very quick, and he followed the contractor to change into working clothes and went to the construction site. Wing worked very hard, and the contractor did not expect him to have such great power. Finally, he promised Wing to stay.