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    Let Me Love You Again[bxb]

    Heavy snow covered the streets in December.

    Chapter 9: Here Came the Robert

    Story: Let Me Love You Again[bxb] Author:Xiang Chi Hong Shao Rou words:5403 Update time:2019-11-01 16:00:05

    John was shocked to see Wing's tragedy. In fact, he was very angry when he first heard that James and Wing broke up, but he was more happy. He liked Wing for a long time, but he had no interest in becoming a third party. Now that James had chosen to break up with Wing, he could finally pursue Wing openly. Only when he went to Wing's house, Wing was already out of sight. Wing didn't bring his cell phone, nor did he have any relatives or friends. Looking for him was like looking for a needle in a haystack. What made him feel even more angry was that this fool had not even stayed in a hotel. He thought that Wing should stay in a hotel on the first day of running away from home, but he checked all the hotels, even the ordinary motel, and he didn't find any trace of Wing.

    John saw someone following Wing's side. He coldly moved the man’s hand, which Wing held, into his own. Wing's hands looked very uneven and rough. John was very angry about this. He didn't expect Wing to go to the construction site to do some work. The sand accumulated in his fingers and wounds told John everything. He wanted to lecture Wing, but in the end he was not willing to do so.

    The man was pushed aside by John and did not feel angry. He followed the cart all the way, and was finally stopped outside the surgery room by John . "Who are you?"

    The man measured John with his eye. "Who are you?"

    "I am his friend, you can go now. Thank you for sending him here. "

    "Oh, the little cute just said, he had no friends,"the man snorted coldly, then went on to say. "I saved him and I sent him here. What makes you let me go? I won't go. "

    John just let him alone. Wing in the operating room was still waiting for rescue. He also did not know if there was anything wrong with the baby in Wing's belly. He had no time to waste with this person.

    "Whatever you want."John said simply. He blinked and turned into the emergency room.

    Seeing the familiar person, Wing closed his eyes with confidence. He was pushed absently into the operating room and heard John talking to him all the time. Wing knew John was there, and he was relieved. Then he fell into endless darkness.

    Wing did not know how long he slept, but vaguely felt that someone had been pushing him into the water. He wanted to open his eyes, but could not open them. In his dream, James was also there. James drove him to the cliff. James said Wing was too useless and would only cry. He said Wing would only cause him trouble and would do nothing. He said Wing was too old-fashioned,so he deserved him. Wing said that he had prevented him from returning to his family. He held James in his arms and cried out to James to touch his child. He told James that everything would be fine with their children. However, James laughed and pushed him over the cliff. James held the beautiful young lover in his arms and said that he did not want the child and let him die with the child. He fell into the cliff and let out a scream. Then he opened his eyes fiercely and was stung by the bright light. He hurriedly tried to cover it with his hand, only to find that he had no strength to raise his hand. He had to turn his head, close his eyes and slowly adapt to the light. When he could see everything clearly, he found himself in a white single room. One of his legs was suspended and his sight was still blurred. A nurse heard his voice and rushed in. After the nurse saw him awake, she hurriedly went out to call John , John came soon. He saw Wing wake up, and a smile was on his cold face finally.

    He lifted Wing up and slowly raised the bed. "How do you feel? If you feel uncomfortable, you can talk to me. "

    "My child, is there anything wrong with my child?"Wing's reaction was a little slow. Before he could get used to it, he hurriedly touched his pregnant belly.

    "Of course not. I'm here."John was not the same as usual. His words today were more humorous.

    Wing breathed a sigh of relief, but he thought of something more important. This time he was lucky. If he hadn't met Dr. John , he would have died with the child. However, where did he have the money to pay John ? He did not know how to say, for fear that John would drive him out. "Ah, I trouble you again.In fact, I have already broken up with James. I can't afford you now. As for medical expenses, I also ... I'll leave now. "As he said, he actually wanted to get out of bed.

    "Don't move!"John stopped Wing's behavior. He crossed his hands with interest to see how embarrassed he was. "Well, what can you do? Don't you want to give money?"

    "I will try my best to repay. I can go to work. "Wing hurriedly answer. "I don't mean not to pay money, I ..."Wing didn't know how to explain, only felt that the more he said, the more he couldn't express his meaning, and then simply said nothing.

    "Oh? Do you want to pledge to marry me? "What John said made Wing stiff. He subconsciously tightened his clothes, his eyes full of fear, and looked at John with disbelief. He seemed to think that he was like a man who wanted to go wrong, for fear that John would take his body like a hungry tiger.

    John knew that he had scared him, and then he chuckled. "I'm kidding. I really scared you. "He had plenty of time to capture him slowly. Why should he rush for a while? "Besides, you are really bold. you dare to work on the construction site with your small body."

    Wing raised his head in surprise. "How do you know?"He thought John was really great. He knew everything. He even knew all about his work at the construction site.

    "What has your hand become now? You don't eat any nutritious food either. Can you eat the food at the construction site? Don't you worry that you will starve your children?"

    "I'm sorry."Wing was just like a child. After being taught by his elders, he could only obediently bow his head and admit his mistake. He hid his hands behind his back awkwardly. He also felt that his hands were ugly. He was not like this before, his hands used to look good. James always liked to bite his fingers. The thought of James, Wing's heart was like being dug through a hole. The cold wind was blowing in continuously, making him gasp for pain.

    John looked at Wing's clever appearance and was thinking that James's brain was probably short-circuited, leaving behind such a cute little rabbit so that he could take advantage of it.

    He was just about to reach out and touch Wing's hair when a stranger came to the door to disturb the harmonious atmosphere.

    The man had long hair and wore a pigtail on the back of his head. He looked a little feminine and wore a uniform. Wing didn't know him. The man tilted his head and seemed to feel hurt. "Oh, why don't you know your saviour?"