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    I Made My Ex-boyfriend Pregnant![bxb]

    *Update every Friday and Sunday* My ex-boyfriend gets pregnant, and the baby is mine! [Abusing his beloved can be jolly for a while, but pursuing back can be extremely difficult]

    Chapter 54 Fayer Xiao's Closeness

    Story: I Made My Ex-boyfriend Pregnant![bxb] Author:Yin Zhu Kui words:5527 Update time:2020-03-12 16:00:05

    [The Past]

    The Xiao's suddenly appointed Cole Wu to participate throughout the negotiation. This is a wake-up call for Tye Zhang!

    He begins to follow Cole Wu even more closely!

    Cole Wu turns back and says to Tye Zhang, "Wait here."

    "Why?" Tye Zhang starts to become dissatisfied.

    Cole Wu says coldly, "I'm the person who is responsible for the cooperation case with the Xiao's, not you! You are not invited! Tye Zhang, please don't bother me while I'm working! Thank you!"

    "...Got it. I'll wait for you downstairs. Take care." Tye Zhang adds, "If the Mad Fayer dares to bully you, call me immediately! I'll rush upstairs to help you!"

    "..." Cole Wu pulls a long face and pays no attention to Tye Zhang's words. He always thinks those are just excuses that Tye Zhang makes for himself.

    The people of the Xiao's booked a room in advance. Cole Wu knocks the door. When he enters the room, he finds there're only two persons in it, one is the "Mad Fayer" called by Tye Zhang, namely, Fayer Xiao, the new CEO of the company of the Xiao's.

    The other is the beautiful secretary standing by Fayer Xiao's side, Dommel Jin. He has seen her last time.

    "Mr. Xiao, Miss Jin...Sorry. Am I late?"

    "No, we are here early." says Dommel Jin.

    She makes a gesture to suggest Cole Wu sit down.

    Cole Wu and Dommel Jin have discussed about the case for more than an hour. Throughout the process, Fayer Xiao has only observed Cole Wu at the side.

    "That's all for today. We'll meet again in three days. Thank you for your efforts, Mr. Wu."

    Dommel Jin stands up and shakes hands with Cole Wu. She says with a smile,

    "...No worries."

    Cole Wu has always been thinking that it's unreal.

    He has never participated in the cooperation with the Xiao's, so he was actually in a complete mess during the discussion.

    However, the Xiao's didn't show any dissatisfaction.

    On the contrary...No, they actually don't care.

    They don't care about Cole Wu's professionalism and performance, which makes Cole Wu very confused.

    Was Tye Zhang right? They have an axe to grind with him?

    However, he secretly noticed that even if the "Mad Fayer" looked at him aggressively and terrifyingly, it was not like that he had an axe to grind with him.

    "Shall we dine together?" says Fayer Xiao suddenly. He has been silent all the time.

    Of course, he was asking Cole Wu!

    He just can't decline such an invitation of a client.

    "Sure. As long as it doesn't trouble you, Mr. Xiao." says Cole Wu with a smile.

    Tye Zhang watches Cole Wu get in Fayer Xiao's car, feeling irritated!

    "Mad Fayer...Don't you dare to touch my Cole!"

    He immediately follows.

    Fayer Xiao has booked the whole restaurant, so Tye Zhang can't get in there. He crouches outside and has his upper body cling to the grass window. He looks distorted, and his eyes are fixed on Cole Wu and Fayer Xiao.

    Cole Wu has surely noticed Tye Zhang. He is making such a big noise. It is unlikely that Cole Wu can't see him.

    Therefore, he can only pretend to be calm. But actually he is embarrassed.

    "The younger master of the Zhang's is following you." says Fayer Xiao. He is enjoying the food and he looks indifferent.

    This is not a problem. It's just a simple topic.

    Cole Wu blushes. He says, "Yes. You are right."

    Fayer Xiao notices that Cole Wu doesn't eat much, so he asks, "You don't like the food here? Sorry. I don't like to eat western food, so I arbitrarily booked this restaurant. The food here doesn't agree with you, does it?"

    "Yes, it does! It's delicious. I enjoy it! You've got a really good taste, Mr. Xiao. The food here is spicy, which is just what I prefer." says Cole Wu immediately. He smiles, and starts to eat more.

    Tye Zhang is watching Cole Wu and Fayer Xiao eat and laugh through the window. He is jealous and even sad!

    "Mad Fayer...Mad Fayer..."

    Don't touch my Cole!

    After they finish eating, Cole Wu goes out of the restaurant. As soon as he walks out, he is dragged away by Tye Zhang who has been waiting outside all the time!

    "What are you doing? I have to go back to the company. Let go of me!"

    "What did he tell you!" Tye Zhang looks grieved and feels jealous. He grabs Cole Wu and forces him into his car. Then he locks the door and presses him onto the back seat. Next, his hands start to move around on Cole Wu's body.

    "What are you doing?" Are you out of your mind! Go away! Don't touch me!" Tye Zhang keeps pushing Tye Zhang, but the harder he pushes him, the more overbearing Tye Zhang becomes. Cole Wu has sweated all over and his face has turned reddish.

    Seeing Cole Wu like this, Tye Zhang is turned on. He has been holding back his lust for long enough.

    He grabs Cole Wu's hand and starts to kiss it. He says hurriedly, "Cole. That's enough! I've already realized my bad. Please forgive me. Stop torturing me! I can't stand it anymore. I really can't stand it! You have no idea how jealous I was when watching you and Fayer Xiao have meal together. I really can't stand it. Can you understand my sadness?"

    "Tye...Let go of me." says Cole Wu coldly.

    He stares at Tye Zhang coldly, making him flustered.

    "Cole. I was telling the truth! Please believe me!" Tye Zhang is shivering. He lets go of Cole Wu, looking sad and pathetic.

    Cole Wu signs, "Tye Zhang, we're done. Don't you understand? All that you said, whether they are true or not, are none of my business! I don't care! So...Now, please open the door. I'm getting off!"

    Tye Zhang looks sad. He wants to say something, but ends up saying nothing.

    "Let me drive you back to the company." says Tye Zhang in the end.

    Tye Zhang didn't expect that Cole Wu would be so determined. He has always thought that Cole Wu can't leave without him. So as long as he coaxes him and admits his mistake, he will definitely make compromise and get back together with him!

    But now...He seems to have underestimated Cole Wu.

    Tye Zhang is down. After he drives Cole Wu to the company, he leaves while being in a bad mood. No one knows where he has gone to get released or free himself from his feelings.

    Cole Wu has becomes restless as well.

    Tye Zhang's sadness and loneliness has been haunting him in his mind.

    Finally, it's time to leave the company. However, Cole Wu is astonished on seeing Fayer Xiao and his car outside the company!

    "Get in. I'm taking you home."

    Fayer Xiao's words are simple, concise, but powerful.

    On thinking that he has to follow the cooperation case in the future, Cole Wu feels that he just can't refuse him. So he can only get in the car with embarrassment.

    After telling him the address, Cole Wu remains silent. His heart is pumping. He feels that the atmosphere in the car is strange and weird.

    Fayer Xiao looks at Cole Wu. Suddenly, he asks, "Do you live by yourself?"

    "Ah, no. I've got a roommate." replies Cole Wu.

    "Hmm." Fayer Xiao nods his head and stops speaking.