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    My Sugar Daddy is Broken[bxb]

    "Caine Huo satisfactorily lay down with Bill Jiang in his arms after sex; he was perfectly content as if he just had a good meal. Bill reached out his hand and tucked the quilt well: “I’ll leave for home; you’d better fall in sleep earlier.” Caine held his waist and refused to let him go, pretending to be asleep and not hearing his word. Bill was unable either to cry or laugh, he said gently: “Listen, Noy is sleeping alone. He kicks the quilt sometimes; it may let him catch a cold.” Caine suddenly opened his black eyes and said: “So, you don’t need me after making love with me?” Caine’s eyes seemed grievance as if he was accusing that Bill was a heartless and unfaithful lover who turned and left away. … It was a story of a bankrupted master who was adopted as if he a wildly untamed puppy becoming a loyal dog; he continued to falling in love with an elder star and he eventually rebuilt his career, defeated the bad guy who took his property, and then live together with his wife and child happily.

    Chapter 11 - So, You Intend To Adopt Me

    Story: My Sugar Daddy is Broken[bxb] Author:Jin Jia Lan Yang Yang words:5501 Update time:2019-11-03 16:00:04

    Caine was wrapped around Bill’s waist. He buried his head in his chest with joy. He listened to his powerful heartbeat and felt that both of his body and heart were contented.

    "Caine, why don't you come with me?"

    Caine kept her eyes closed, he frowned when he heard what he said, and then opened his shining black eyes and said awkwardly, "No, I said I could take care myself."

    "Yes, you could do it, I never doubted your ability…"Bill lifted up and stared at him at a close distance, "But are you willing to spend your life on the construction site like this? What else can you do in the construction site besides your own expenditure? You see, we don’t even have a place to take a bath after we have sex…"

    Caine heard that, and then he thought about it but said nothing, turning his back on him.

    Bill knew that he instigated him, so he laughed and said softly, "Caine, how about this. You can go with me, live with me, work in my hotpot restaurant for some time, and take care of Noy for me when you come back to home. You can also help me do housework to pay for your meals… And I’ll pay your wages during the day at the same, is that OK?"

    When he saw Caine not being moved, he tempted him: "Caine, don’t you want to have sex with me anymore?"

    Caine heard that and said with shame, "I don’t need, I never intended to make love with you, it was you that seduced me..."

    Bill laughed and reached for his belly, where all the hard muscles were in his abdomen: "Really, you don’t need? Uh hum?"

    Caine changed his expression, his eyes darkened slightly, but he still said with stubbornness, "Yes, I don’t need anymore!"

    Bill couldn’t help lying back on Caine’s chest and said helplessly, "There’s nothing I can do with you…Caine, you should be honest." As he spoke, his hand that touched his belly went on slowly.

    The blood of Caine’s heart surged up little by little with his breathing much more urgent.

    "You break the rule, how can you do that again?"

    Bill laughed softly and bent over to lick his throat knot.

    Caine bear it once and once again, but finally could not help it until the blue veins burst out on his forehead. He thought, whatever, that was it. They had just made love, what happened if they did again? He suffered terribly! He pushed Bill aside, then rolled over and overwhelmed him. "Fuck you, you are so coquettish, man!"

    "Hmm..." Bill was kissed by him again. The man on his body kissed him fiercely and stretched out his hand as if he was an all-conquering and invincible general who was occupied him like attacking a city strategically and sweeping up all enemies.

    When Caine was about to succeed, Bill flushed, then gritted his teeth and pushed Caine away. Caine did not notice that in time. He pushed Caine into the bed and looked at him with a sullen face. Caine looked at him shamed and aggrieved:

    "What do you want? Why don’t you let me go on?"

    Bill held back his boiling blood, separated his legs and sat down at Caine’s waist. He completely ignored his fiery desire, looked down at him and said, "Caine, do you agree with what I just told you?"

    Caine was stunned, and then he said stubbornly, "No way!"

    Bill raised his lips and smiled. His brown eyes were wet and charming. "Okay, you deal with your erotic desire and I will by myself.

    With that, he reached out and prepared to suppress his passion.

    Caine watched him doing this in front of him; he stared straightly at the movements in his hands with endurance and disbelief in his eyes…

    "Caine... Caine..."

    Caine looked at the barefaced scene in front of him and listened to Bill’s soft voice in his ears. He was really in a state of rage and blood. He felt that he would explode if he could not get over that!

    Bill was so sexy! I don’t care about my dignity and status anymore!

    He thought in this way, and he was like a rapacious wolf that had been hungry for several days. He threw Bill under him and said, "I don’t care whatever you like, I just want you!"

    "Ah..." Bill whispered at the moment of the sky and earth spinning round. He was already under him and filled with kisses. He raised his lips slightly and satisfactorily put his hand around Caine’s broad back.


    When they finished, it was over eleven o'clock in the evening. Bill was too tired to move a finger. Caine hugged him domineeringly, his strong thighs clasped his thighs, and he took all of him for himself.

    Bill looked at Caine’s young and handsome face with some childishness. He thought that he probably couldn’t leave for picking up Noy today.

    The next morning, Caine woke up to find Bill already got up. He was cooking, and the smell of noodles filled the room. Bill saw him awake and said:

    "Are you awake? The noodles will be ready in a minute. You should wash your face and rinse your mouth first."

    Caine looked at the clock aside and found that it was more than eight o’clock. He was late for work so he muttered, "How can I oversleep..."

    Bill explained thoughtfully: "Your alarm rang just now, I turned it off."

    Caine: "..."

    "You promised last night that you would go to my hotpot restaurant to help me. Do you regret about that?"

    Caine remembered what had happened last night. He lowered her head in frustration, then looked up after a while and said, "Do you like my body very much?"

    Bill was delighted and shocked to hear the first half of his sentence, he felt lost then after hearing it all but still thankfully. He pretended to calm down and said, "Why do you say that?"

    "Otherwise, how could you be so kind to me? You want me to go to your hotpot restaurant and live together with you. Don’t you want me to have sex with you?" Caine’s dark eyes looked at him like a watchful wolf.

    Bill laughed at himself: "So is it, if you think so."

    Caine was embarrassed by his word, "So, you intend to adopt me?"

    "Why not? You used to adopt me. Did you look down on me at that time? Did you think I was in low status?" Bill was a little agitated, and his body trembled slightly. In his memory, Caine never regarded him as a plaything or a cheap Money Boy when he was around him. They were not in an official relationship, but they respected each other. Caine seemed like a little lover to him more.

    He was worried that Caine would say something hurtful. After all, he really liked him.

    Caine, however, did not speak. He gazed at Bill quietly for a moment and finally said, "So... you have to treat me better."

    Bill suddenly looked at him with bit incredibility, was that Caine agreed?

    Caine turned slowly, avoiding his eyes.

    Bill was surprised that he had promised to be taken care of by him, but he was also distressed. Maybe it was as what he said before, there was no one in the world that loved him and treated him well, so he had to hold on to him tightly, he was the only person who was warm-hearted...