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    My Sugar Daddy is Broken[bxb]

    "Caine Huo satisfactorily lay down with Bill Jiang in his arms after sex; he was perfectly content as if he just had a good meal. Bill reached out his hand and tucked the quilt well: “I’ll leave for home; you’d better fall in sleep earlier.” Caine held his waist and refused to let him go, pretending to be asleep and not hearing his word. Bill was unable either to cry or laugh, he said gently: “Listen, Noy is sleeping alone. He kicks the quilt sometimes; it may let him catch a cold.” Caine suddenly opened his black eyes and said: “So, you don’t need me after making love with me?” Caine’s eyes seemed grievance as if he was accusing that Bill was a heartless and unfaithful lover who turned and left away. … It was a story of a bankrupted master who was adopted as if he a wildly untamed puppy becoming a loyal dog; he continued to falling in love with an elder star and he eventually rebuilt his career, defeated the bad guy who took his property, and then live together with his wife and child happily.

    Chapter 10 - I Dislike You

    Story: My Sugar Daddy is Broken[bxb] Author:Jin Jia Lan Yang Yang words:5445 Update time:2019-11-02 16:00:04

    It was another sunny day next day and there was a beautiful sunset glow on the horizon at dusk.

    Bill cleaned up the dishes and changed his clothes in a hurry after he finished feeding Noy. He made an appointment with Caine Hu today, and his clothes couldn’t be untidy.

    He liked Caine before, but now they had been separated for more than three years. Even though Caine didn’t like him very much or even resist him, Caine’s body still liked his body and had reacts to his body...

    It made him happy. Although it was a bit despicable to lure Caine until he came to his side with his body, but he could not help it. On the one hand, he really liked Caine; on the other hand, if he did not do this, Caine could be a construction worker all his life...

    How could he have watched Caine fall into such poverty all his life?

    So now he was determined to let Caine accept him, even though he would use his body and it was temporary.

    He changed his clothes and looked at the man in the mirror. Suddenly he felt a little unconfident. He was 29 years old, and his body was not as soft as before. Although his appearance was pretty, he was not as young as the young guys in twenties. He thought that Caine was being provoked by him now, so he would response, after they really having sex, will you dislike him as an old man? After all, Caine is only twenty four years old...

    "Daddy! Daddy! Dinosaur, dinosaur!"

    Bill looked back and saw Noy holding the picture book, pointing excitedly at the dinosaur in the picture book, meaning that he should look at it. He squatted down, talked to Noy about dinosaurs, and then said, "Noy, wait until I take you to Dad John’s home , let Dad John take you one night, okay?"

    Noy seemed to understand, but also felt a little unhappy and whispered, "No~"

    "My good boy, I have something to deal with. I will come back soon and bring you back with a lot of delicious snacks, OK?"

    "Okay." Noy succumbed to the temptation of delicious snacks.

    "Good boy, let’s go."

    Bill held Noy, brought Noy’s clothes, diapers, snacks and toys, and then drove Noy to John’s home.

    John’s home was not far away, just behind the hotpot restaurant in the neighborhood. John was dressed in household clothes cleaning his house when they arrived. John had an elite temperament, which really gave people a different feeling to wear household clothes and do housework. When he saw Bill and his son, he laughed brilliantly.

    "Hello, my boy Noy. Are you coming to see Dad John again?"

    He changed his expression and said to Bill, "What are you going to do? And you plan to let Noy satay with me again?"

    Bill smiled and said frankly, "Go to see Caine.’

    John held Noy in his arms and looked at him up and down again. He disliked him and said, "So, you dressed up like a peacock full of coquettish flavor."

    Bill couldn’t help laughing: "It’s enough that you understand. Well, I stop talking with you. I leave first. Bye-bye." Then he kissed Noy on the face again and farewell to Noy: "Bye-bye, Daddy will pick you up later."

    John looked at Bill’s back and laughed a little unkindly: "Later? Will Caine finish so soon?"


    Getting out from John’s home, palm Jiang started his car to go to see Caine, but his mobile phone rang. It turned out that the phone call came from the lobby manager of the hotpot restaurant.

    "Boss, here’s a drunken riot in the hotpot restaurant. And the police are here, too. Can you come over?"

    Bill frowned. "Okay, I’m near to John’s home. I’ll be there soon."

    He hoped that things could be settled quickly; otherwise, it would take more time.

    Bill rushed to the hotpot restaurant to find out the causes and consequences of the incident. After dealing with the police and the drunken guest for a long time, he managed to solve the problem. And then he looked at his cell phone, it was almost 7:20, forty minutes passed by! And it also took 20 minutes from hotpot restaurant to Caine’s home!

    He thought that and did not want to take a rest for a while, and then drove to see Caine. However, there was a traffic jam on the road, which had lasted more than ten minutes. By the time he arrived at Caine’s home, it was already over 8:10.

    As soon as he got out of the car, he ran to Caine’s residence. When he closed to Caine’s doorway, he found that the room was dark and there was no light on.

    "Caine, are you there? Caine..." He called Caine and knocked on the door, but it was quiet in the room. The door seemed locked and he could not push or open it. He knew Caine was inside, but he didn’t want to see him. So he insisted and called, "Caine, it’s me, Bill, please open the door..."

    After knocking at the door for a while, there was still no sound in the room. Bill was somewhat discouraged. He wondered if Caine was not planning to wait for him. It was just his self-imagination? Would Caine go out in order to avoid him because he didn’t want to see him? And he was not in his home...

    He put down his hand in frustration, laughed bitterly and felt heartbroken.

    There was starlight in the night sky, and neon lights were shining not far away, but Bill never felt that the city was so alienated, as if the world was enormous but there was not any place he could go.

    "Well, since you really dislike me, I’ll... give up. Goodbye." Bill said to himself and took a step back, he looked at the dark room again and turned away.


    There was a voice behind him, and then Bill looked back doubtfully, only to see the door was opening slowly!

    He turned back in surprise and strode to the door. He saw a figure standing near the door. He lowered his head and said:

    "I thought that you weren’t coming here…" It was Caine’s voice. His tone, with a touch of grievance and loneliness, sounded particularly distressing.

    Bill hurriedly stroke in and closed the door behind him. Then he reached out and held Caine’s waist tightly. He said with joy and guilt, "Sorry, I had something to deal with the hotpot restaurant. And there was also a traffic jam on the way. I never thought that it would be so late… I didn’t mean to be late. I’m sorry to keep you waiting for so long…"

    "I dislike you." Caine said sullenly. The lights came in from the street outside and it dropped shadow over his eyes.

    When Bill heard this, he smiled and said, "I’m sorry, Caine, I’m really sorry for that..."

    "Hate you..." Caine was still grieving, but his hand grabbed Bill’s chin the next second and he bowed to kiss him.

    "Hmm..." Bill could see nothing in the darkness, but he felt Caine’s solid and powerful embrace, his arms were around his waist, and his hot lips were kissing him.

    He put his arms around Caine’s neck, raised his head slightly, and accepted Caine’s hegemonic kiss with satisfaction and joy.