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    Reborn: Please let me hug you[bxb]

    Playboy (Top) begun to dote on a poor student (Bottom) after he was reborn. Bery Shu: He never thought that one day he would fall in love with a poor student. He always thought that he had already found a true love, so he just treated him as a tool for venting. But when looking at him tightly clinging to his shirt, so pathetic, so careful, fearing of mess up anything, Bery's heart hurt. Until the so-called "true love" tricked him, then heard the death of that person, he was truly despaired. The moment Bery died, he was thinking that if there was an afterlife, he would never let Reiss leave. He would cherish him, protect him, and give him all the best things he could give. Fortunately, he was reborn. Reiss Su: He was just a poor student who enjoyed no love from his family, no care from relatives and friends, no money. He just wanted to apply for a waiter and never expected that he could run into such a thing. That man cared nothing about his imploring and crying, just pressed him under his body and said some dirty words. Although he didn't know what "MB" means, he can guess that it must be a very bad word. That man was horrible. But why after he opened his eyes again, he seemed to be a different person?

    Chapter Two Guilty

    Story: Reborn: Please let me hug you[bxb] Author:Shan Ran words:5832 Update time:2019-10-25 16:00:04

    Twenty minutes had passed by the time Bery drove home. He parked his car at the gate of the villa, and then rushed into the house.

    The grand villa was left to him by his parents. His parents have moved abroad. The old house used to be lived by Bery and his whole family; therefore, it boasted exquisite decoration with garage, garden, coffee shop and entertainment scene, in which they can have fun and enjoy themselves.

    Servants were standing on both sides of the door and extended greetings to Bery when he hadn't entered yet. Coming in distraughtly, he threw his key randomly and went upstairs to the second floor in a hurry. The third room on the right side of the corridor is the painting studio for Reiss, but at this time he can't open the door anyhow.

    Bery was so irritable that he lifted his leg and then kicked the door. He pulled out his hair impatiently and shouted, "Butler! Where is the butler? Get the fuck over here!" His servants were all freaked out. They had never seen their master being so angry, all bowed their heads and kept silent.

    Uncle He, who was picking food ingredients in the back kitchen, rushed over upstairs after hearing his master's calling, which was hard for the old man. He thought that his master was going to look for Reiss's trouble again, so he wanted to beg the child off, and said, "Sir, Master Su knew that he was wrong, please forgive him, he..."

    "What do you mean? Who told you I was about to beat him? Where is the key? Hurry up, give me the key. If anything happens to him, each of you will be in trouble! "Bery was getting very mad. Maybe in the servant's eyes, this was how he treated him, always beating him, bullying him and biting his head off. But on a second thought, it seemed to be exactly what he had always done.

    It seemed like that Bery was going to release him, uncle He dared not delay and went to the spare room finding the spare key. After all, Reiss had been locked in the room for a long time. Bery locked the door yesterday morning and gave strict orders letting nobody in, and whoever dares enter will be kicked out. Therefore, even if he is the butler, he didn't dare take the risk, let alone the servants.

    "You all stay outside! Butler! Call Walter right now! Hurry up! There is not a moment to lose!"

    As Bery was about to come in, he suddenly took a step back as if thinking of something else. Then he ordered, "Fill the bathtub in my room with hot water! Don't be too hot! If the water scalds him, I will skin you!" The words Bery said made everyone on the scene can not help trembling with fear.

    "Yes, sir." After Hearing that, the butler handed the key to another servant and went to call Walter in a hurry.

    Then, Bery pushed the door and went in; however, when the one he had always been thinking of lay in front of him, he did not dare to take another step forward. Reiss just lay on the ground, naked, with many marks in different shades of red on his body. The most severe was the dark purple one on his neck, which looked terrible. There were spots of blood and a patch of something white under him. He was tied to the leg of cabinet, with half of his face was stuck to the cold floor, hands tied, knees and legs full of bruise. His nose breathed gently, seemed like that he still had a breath left.

    "Reiss? Reiss? Can you wake up? I was wrong. I'll untie you now. Will you open your eyes and see me?" Bery murmured, in fact, he didn't even know what he had said, just inadvertently spilling out his innermost thoughts and feelings.

    Bery was trying to untie the bathrobe belt tied to the leg of the cabinet with his hands trembled. It took a long time for him to untie the belt as it was very thin.

    Sobbing, he embraced Reiss's cold body. For an instant, Bery felt disheartened. He tore off the canvas set aside on the drawing board to cover Reiss up, then lifting him up and rushing into the bedroom. Although many servants in the room were curious, no one dared to look up because they knew that their master was a fiery-tempered person.

    The water in the bathroom had been ready for a long time. The rising vapor blurred the mirror. Daring not relax, Bery pulled off the last piece of covering cloth on Reiss's body, putting him slowly into the bathtub. He got no response no matter what he did, maybe Reiss had plunged into a deep coma. He was afraid that Reiss would sink and drown, so he had to stay by his side, holding his body with his left hand and rubbing his back with his right hand, hoping to warm him up quickly.

    With his eyes closed, Reiss's long eyelashes obediently dormant under the eyelids. A touch of red was on his nose, which looked very cute; however, Bery dared not think about anything related to sex at this moment. He slowly slid his hand down his back and into his hip, gently probing and digging.

    He was afraid of Reiss getting sick; otherwise he would never have done such a thing at this moment. Those dreadful bloods would be engraved on his mind and always serve as warning and reminding for using no more violence or enforcement against him.

    At this moment, he was genuinely remorseful. He would never hurt him anymore. Now, he just want to love him.

    When Walter arrived, he saw...

    A boy was lying on the bed with a pale face. He had shadows round the eyes, which was obviously due to a lack of sleep. Beside him stood a man, who was looking at the boy with tender and sentimental looks. Presumably everyone on the scene could figure out the man's attachment toward the boy through his eyes. Of course, the man is Bery.

    "Sir, Dr. Lin is coming." The butler knocked gently on the door, broke up Bery's thoughts.

    Bery did not feel unhappy after being interrupted. Instead, he stood up and said urgently, "Hurry up, Walter, come here and check him up! "

    Walter came close to them with the medkit. He turned to Bery while turning out a disposable plastic glove to wear, and asked, "what happened? What is the matter?" This kind of thing had happened four or five times. Each time when he came here in a hurry, he saw the boy covered all over with wounds and bruises; the only difference is that for the first time Bery is on the scene.

    Obviously, It was difficult for Bery to answer this question. He spoke haltingly before he was trying to recollected the things happened in his previous life. Then, he replied, "Yesterday morning I tied him to the leg of the cabinet, giving him no food, letting nobody in. He had been lying on the ground until now."

    Walter's gloved hands paused, and said, "Anything else?" Although he had not uncover the quilt yet, he was very clear about Reiss's injuries.

    "I used a paintbrush..." Bery choked with a sigh.

    "Ah? You! what do you say? You used a paintbrush!?" Walter first didn't figure out what did he mean. Looking back upon Bery's act of violence against him in the past, he finally understood.

    Walter suddenly became serious."All right, you can leave now, and I'll check up his injuries."

    Bery felt really depressed, like a child who had done something wrong. He looked at Reiss for several times, and then reluctantly leaved the bedroom.
