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    I Made My Ex-boyfriend Pregnant![bxb]

    *Update every Friday and Sunday* My ex-boyfriend gets pregnant, and the baby is mine! [Abusing his beloved can be jolly for a while, but pursuing back can be extremely difficult]

    03 Madness

    Story: I Made My Ex-boyfriend Pregnant![bxb] Author:Yin Zhu Kui words:5220 Update time:2019-10-25 16:00:04

    [The Present]

    Sherwin sent Cole Wu to the residential gate. She held Wu's hands and was unwilling to let him go. But Cole Wu himself stubbornly broke free from Sherwin.

    "Sherwin, you should go back now. It's close, I can go home by myself. "Cole Wu looks still very bad, his beautiful eyes so gray. He had been really hurt by Tye Zhang's words.

    It is said that swearwords make people feel chill even in summer. When the people who you loved the most says vicious words to you, it's like countless frozen nails into your heart.

    "Don't you ask me to sit up and have a drink?" Sherwin said with a bitter smile. After trying hard for so many years, Cole Wu recovered his single finally, she always want to fight once, no matter what.

    "No, I don't want you to get me wrong." Cole Wu said coldly.

    If you really don't love her, then the best way not to hurt a woman who’s loving you is not to make any affair with her and let her know your refusal directly.

    Sherwin was very good, gentle and soft, beautiful and kind. She has too many advantages, it is not necessary to be so good to people like him. He can't love her, so he can't waste her affections.

    "...How many times have you said that? On the night of graduation, I confessed my feeling to you and you said that to me. Now you said that again. "Xiu Wen thought that it was precisely because of Cole Wu's direct attitude towards her that she would always have a crush on him. Even if she was rejected by him countless times, she was reluctant to give up.

    Moreover, Cole Wu was in such poor health that he really needed to be taken care of.

    After speaking for a while, Sherwin left on her own.

    Cole Wu sighed and endured the fatigue of his body, climbing the stairs alone and taking a rest for a while. He feels tired.

    This apartment was dilapidated, and the building had not been overhauled for a long time. There were not even elevators here.

    He lived on the sixth floor, and climbing the sixth floor every day was exhausting.

    Cole Wu was so tired that he didn't even notice that there had been someone following him halfway across the floor. Behind him, there was such a pair of eyes, always staring at him!

    Cole Wu breathlessly took out the key, but as soon as he entered the door, the door was held up by a powerful big hand!

    He looked back. It was Tye Zhang.

    Tye Zhang's dark eyes, like a knife staring at Cole Wu, seemed to tear him down and swallow him.  

    "What are you doing here?" Cole Wu was surprised and then said lightly.

    Tye Zhang did not speak, entering the living room directly. He didn't change his shoes. His expensive leather shoes stepped on the broken tile and looked so unsuitable.

    Yeah, it just didn't match.

    Cole Wu had long known that he and Tye Zhang did not match. He is a little out of the field, no matter which aspect, he's not good enough. The sense of inferiority was filled in his three years of love with Tye Zhang.  

    "Don't you take your girlfriend home? She is pregnant now, right? Be careful, maybe she’s gonna dump you, if you don't know how to care about her!" Tye Zhang said in a sour tone and apathy. At the thought of Cole Wu cheating on him during their relationship, or being with a woman, and even making her pregnant, he’s like had a time bomb in his heart, and he didn't know when it would explode!

    Cole Wu didn't say anything. He just looked at the back of Tye Zhang, and suddenly felt that his eyes were slightly wet. Whenever Wu see this man, his first reaction is love and worship. From seeing Tye Zhang for the first time, to today, the person he has been infatuated with is Tye Zhang!  

    "Cole, did sleeping with me for a long time make you forgot how to be a man? How can you to let a pregnant woman take you home? Haven't you corrected your attitude? You're not gay. You should learn from me, be nice to a woman, you know? "

    Cole Wu suddenly had a pain in his heart. When was he not gay? How could he not even know?

    "I know what I should do. Don't judge me. If you don't know what to do, please go back." Cole Wu went to pick up a cup of hot water, holding the cup with hands and slowly drank it.

    Cole Wu's indifference completely angered Tye Zhang! The anger in Zhang’s heart is like Flame Mountain!

    "What do you fucking mean? " The man was angry, his eyes red, like an angry beast!

    He followed, grabbed Cole Wu's cup, and slammed it on the floor. The cup was totally broken and the hot water splashed on Cole Wu's feet. He was wearing slippers and his socks were burned in an instant.

    "Why don't you hide?! You're really stupid! Such a fool! "  

    Tye Zhang himself did not know that when he saw Cole Wu injured, he would go crazy like this.

    He lifted Cole Wu's feet and quickly took off his socks. The back of his feet was scalded red, and he know that how painful it was!

    "Where's the medicine box? Do you have it? Tell me fucking now! "

    Tye Zhang turned around almost like a fly without head, then he took some cold water and poured it on Cole Wu's scalded foot. His face was sweating and he finally saw the medicine box under the old TV. He rushed over to it, rummaging around, found the scald ointment, and applied it on back of Cole Wu's feet.

    He was so nervous that his palms were trembling. He even put a whole tube of ointment on Cole Wu’s instep before clumsily cutting the medical gauze and wrapping his feet.

    After all, Tye Zhang sat down on the ground, gasping for breath. By chance he looked up and found that Cole Wu was looking at him sadly, his beautiful eyes full of tears.

    His eyes have always been so attractive.

    From the past, to the present.

    "We had broken up long ago. Please don't do this to me. "

    Cole Wu’s words, like ice-water, were poured directly on the head of the Tye Zhang.

    "You think I'm fucking happy to do that? I just take you as Chaz, I just want to be nice to Chaz!" Tye Zhang is in great pain in his heart! He was unwilling to be responded with such an attitude by Cole Wu, so he made the most hurting explanation!

    Chaz Wu, the most loved and jealous person of Cole Wu.

    Tye Zhang, understand Cole Wu.

    He knew how to hurt Cole Wu, so that his heart was riddled with holes, but he did not stop.

    Tye Zhang fell off the door and left. Cole Wu sat in the living room alone, laughing at himself bitterly, and swallowing all his tears.

    In fact, he hurt a lot, and so did his instep, especially his heart.   

    He turned and touched his stomach, which was as round as a beer belly.

    He was thinking... Whether he should have this baby or not?