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    My Possessive Stepbrother[bxb]

    *Daily Updates* Bryan Huo, who is disgusted by his father, has a special body. Because the media empire of the Huo's only passed on to men rather than women, he silently accepted everything and became the heir. Sach Xiang was the only person in the family who treated him well, the light in his darkness. However, he entrusted his heart to the wrong person. Sach Xiang was imprisoned due to his father, and his family has come down in the world. He has had all tastes of life. As his mother was married into a rich and powerful family, he vowed to take possession of the empire of the Huo's. Soon he discovered the secret of Bryan Huo, which was hidden by the family. "Win his heart and get him pregnant, then the whole family is mine." However, he fell in love, but it was a step late. "You will be the heir. Just let me go." The 19-year-old Bryan Huo left with his baby. In order to feed his baby, he began to work in the studio.

    2. The Bud

    Story: My Possessive Stepbrother[bxb] Author:Qi Ceng Jun words:3728 Update time:2019-10-24 16:00:04

    The first time that the two people had breakfast together is in a slightly dull atmosphere.

    No one talks and there is only the sound of forks and knifes. There are many rules in the Huo's, and eating quietly is one of them. Bryan Huo thinks that the woman and her son are very clever. They learn quickly about how to please his father.

    He cuts the eggs on the plate and his eyes unconsciously fall on the young man who was just called by him.

    "I'm Sach Xiang, and I'll be sharing the same surname with you from now on."

    Bryan Huo just called him brother once and there he is, considerately introducing himself. Bryan Huo does not look at him and turned his eyes to other places. He is panicked and feels that he has lost.

    Now at the dining table, he looks at the man from time to time like a child. This man is only six or seven years older than him--it is said that he has just graduated from college. However, his physique and calm temperament make him a generation older than Bryan Huo.

    Sach Xiang has noticed that gaze. He deliberately refuses to respond and doesn't look up until Bryan Huo's appetite has been fully sharpened. Then the two gazes bump right into each other.

    Bryan Huo seems to hear the sound of his heart jumping out of the chest. Sach Xiang's eyes still contain that gentle smile.

    "Bang", the knife on Bryan Huo's hand falls down, hitting the edge of the plate and making a huge buzzing, and then it falls on the carpet with a splash of sauce.


    The sights cast by the people on the table make Bryan Huo want to sink through the ground. He is especially upset about the cold sight cast by his father. He has always been left out in the cold and there is no exception even with new comers watching--no one helps. He calls servants for help with his face blushed in a mess.

    After the cleaning, Bryan Huo grinds his teeth and quickly finishes the rest of his meal. He hates that he is once again bought off by that smile, resulting in embarrassing of himself.


    After finishing the meal, Bryan Huo goes back to his room and indulges himself in the sulks silently.

    How useless I am. At such an important beginning, not only did he fail to show an imposing manner, but he made a spectacle of himself.

    After a while, he carefully opens the door and watches out. The woman lives with his father, and her son lives in a room that is close to theirs. His door is now closed.

    At the end of the corridor where his father's room is located, the servants are moving in and out with the baggage, and there is laughter coming out from that room. No one notices the presence of the young master of the Huo's, who is looking around.

    When he realizes that what he is looking for is a man named Sach Xiang, Bryan Huo slams the door.

    By all means, he can't let them snatch away what belongs to him. He leans against the back of the door, slides down and buries his face into his mother's soft white cardigan.

    The situation is so difficult--no one in the family really cares about him. How to compete with them?

    Today is Sunday. Bryan Huo doesn't have any class in the morning. He opened the window a little bit. He sits by the desk and starts to prepare lessons before class.

    It is almost noon and the temperature has slowly risen.

    Normally, Bryan Huo is supposed to be in his senior year of high school at this age. However, due to his special physical condition, he went to school one year later than normal children. When he reached his puberty, he seemed to be even more different from other children. In addition, he was always sick. So he could only take sick leave and have a tutor to teach him at home.

    Fortunately, he is clever enough. He could catch up with others in school even so. Every time he went back to school for examination, he always came top. It was just that his not-so-big sphere of activities was narrowed down to this very room and the big yard in his home.

    Bryan Huo touches the laryngeal prominence on his white neck and gets lost in a trance. Even though he has the laryngeal prominence, he doesn't grow any beard, and his body hair is measly. When he was at school, he was told enviously by his classmates that it was so good that he didn't need to shave his beard.

    But only he knows the truth. There are only less than two years left to take the college entrance examination. He heard that the college students had to live on campus. He gets upset when he thinks about living with someone else.

    However, at least he gets to run away from this cold home. Unconsciously, the smile of the man who was called as brother Sach by him floats to his eyes.