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    I Made My Ex-boyfriend Pregnant![bxb]

    *Update every Friday and Sunday* My ex-boyfriend gets pregnant, and the baby is mine! [Abusing his beloved can be jolly for a while, but pursuing back can be extremely difficult]

    Chapter 57 I Feel that I Have Met Him Before

    Story: I Made My Ex-boyfriend Pregnant![bxb] Author:Yin Zhu Kui words:5745 Update time:2020-03-21 16:00:04

    [The Present]

    The boring class reunion has lasted for a whole night. What a waste!

    Tye Zhang is lying on the bed. There's no sunlight coming from outside due to the thick curtain in his room.

    This feels...good.

    He doesn't like the light.

    At least, since he recovered from illness, he has been disliking the light, the daytime, the smile of others...Many things that are liked by normal human beings are exactly what he dislikes.

    He always feels that he has become a dead man.

    Perhaps his soul has died.

    Even if he is alive physically, he is just a walking dead.

    "...The person from yesterday...I feel that I've met him before."

    Since he got well, he has been suffering from amnesia.

    He was only discharged from the hospital three months ago and he has returned home for only one month.

    His parents told him that those scars on his body were left by himself while having the mania.

    Mania...How come he had such disease?

    Except for some common sense, he basically knows nothing about this world.

    He even knew his parents, brother, classmates, friends, subordinates, etc. little by little for a second time after recovering from his illness.

    When he saw the man in his old classmate's cake shop the other day, he was together with a child. Even if he looked cold and indifferent, he could see the tenderness from his face...He seems to want to know that man.

    They seem to know each other before.

    They seem to have shared memories.

    Since his recovery, this is the first time that he is "missing" someone.

    "Who is he...Why he looked at me so sadly? Does he know me?"

    But he has looked through everything that his parents gave him to trigger his memory...He isn't there.

    There's no trace of him at all.

    Tye Zhang turns over and closes his eyes. He is still thinking about the man he met the other day in the cake shop. Then he falls asleep little by little.

    Tye Zhang's parents have hidden everything related to Cole Wu to prevent their son from the recurrence of his illness!

    The name of "Cole Wu" has even become a taboo in the Zhang's!

    Tye Zhang wakes up after sleeping for only a while.

    He rubs his swollen eyes and coughs, feeling extremely tired.

    He gets up and takes a shower.

    After the shower, he covers himself with a bath towel and sits in the sofa. Then he starts to look through work files.

    The first thing he does after returning home is to pick up his career.

    According to what his families said, before he went abroad, he worked on things about the entertainment circle.

    Now to pick up this career, the biggest problem for him is the shortage of talents and a star project that can help him build up the brand!

    After living abroad for several years, he has become open-minded and discerning.

    What he values the most about the domestic entertainment industry is the variety show!

    Although in recent years, the domestic variety show has been booming, its quality is uneven and the problems of plagiarism and infringement have been severe. The audiences are getting more and more captious about the shows and they hate plagiarism.

    Therefore...Bold innovation is a must!

    He intends to create a parent-child show. But he doesn't want it to be tacky and conventional, so he doesn't plan to lay emphasis on what's between parents and children, instead, he is going to make innovation on what's among children themselves.

    "Close to Baby" is absolutely an innovative and groundbreaking conception. This would make his show the first one within the nation to introduce the way children get along with each other!

    A star with baby and ordinary people with baby, two families as a group. They live in the same unfamiliar place. Furthermore, they are going to live under the same roof for two days and three nights...

    The first family that comes to Tye Zhang's mind is the man and his child he met in the cake shop the other day!

    That man is good-looking. Although he looks cold, he is actually very charming. He is no worse than a star.

    His child also looks decent. He won't be inferior in any respect even if being compared to a star's child.

    "Why am I so interested in a person that I don't know?"

    Even Tye Zhang himself doubts that he likes that man.

    In the next weeks, his studio has already put on record the variety project "Close to Baby". Tye Zhang thinks of that man even more frequently!

    "...As for the ordinary people, save one quota for me and I'll find one myself."

    Tye Zhang reserves one quota regardless of others' thoughts!

    Of course, his employees trust their discerning boss Tye Zhang.

    Since meeting Tye Zhang two weeks ago, Cole Wu has been restless all the time.

    He always thinks that something is going to happen.

    "What are you thinking about? He has forgotten you. He even has a new girlfriend. They were so close to each other...Ah."

    He can't help but laugh at himself.

    During the past few years, thanks to Toy Zhang's help, Cole Wu and Seth Wu get to live a peaceful live.

    The next year, Seth Wu is going to school, so he can take a break. As for Tye Zhang...they should probably be having no contacts for the rest of their lives.

    "Mr. Wu! Your books are here!"


    The new batch of books that Cole Wu booked some time ago has arrived, so Cole Wu goes out immediately to help with the unloading.

    "Mr. Wu, I've got it covered. Just leave it to me!"

    "It's fine. I'm not busy at the moment anyway. Let me help you."

    Cole Wu and the delivery man keep going back and forth to unload the books and move them into the bookstore. He doesn't notice that a man is sitting in a car and observing him carefully across the street.

    After half an hour, they finally unload all the books!

    Cole Wu pays the delivery fee, then he sits on a chair to have some rest.

    The door is opened.

    A customer comes in.

    Cole Wu looks up...He is astonished!

    What is he doing here?!

    "...Sir, I'm buying a book to give someone as a gift. Could you please introduce the books to me?"

    Tye Zhang is wearing some casual clothes today, but he still looks neat.

    Cole Wu stands up and tries his best to keep calm. He clenches his hands together and asks in a shivering voice, "Sir, who are you gonna give it to?"

    "...A woman. I want to buy a book that women like." says Tye Zhang. He is just making something up.

    But Cole Wu takes it seriously!

    A woman...a woman that he likes?

    Cole Wu forces a bitter smile and says, "If you want to give a gift to a woman, isn't it that you should go to a jewellery store? You shouldn't come to a bookstore. Sir, I suggest..."

    "She loves reading books! I know her well. She is a wise woman who prefers book to jewellery. I've come to the right place."

    Suddenly, Tye Zhang covers his chest with hands. On seeing Cole Wu's face and hearing his voice, he can't help but feel painful in his chest!

    It hurts so much that he feels as if someone was hitting him with a hammer!

    "What's wrong?" Cole Wu notices that Tye Zhang's hands are covering his chest and that he looks pale and distressed. He starts to worry about him.

    This is just the instinct.

    Worrying about him is his instinct! He just can't control himself!