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    I Made My Ex-boyfriend Pregnant![bxb]

    *Update every Friday and Sunday* My ex-boyfriend gets pregnant, and the baby is mine! [Abusing his beloved can be jolly for a while, but pursuing back can be extremely difficult]

    Chapter 48 New Partner

    Story: I Made My Ex-boyfriend Pregnant![bxb] Author:Yin Zhu Kui words:5873 Update time:2020-02-22 16:00:04

    [The Past]

    "What did you say?"

    Tye Zhang turns back and stares at Chaz Wu with the viper's eyes!

    Chaz Wu gets terrified by Tye Zhang's eyes and is speechless all of a sudden. After calming himself down for quite a while, he says, "I saw it! My brother got on Toy's car. He must have moved in to Toy's house! Tye Zhang, they are now living together. Aren't you anxious?"

    "..." Tye Zhang leaves directly without saying a word.

    Chaz Wu knows well that with Tye Zhang's temperament, he won't let it go at that.

    With Tye Zhang, he can save himself loads of energy.

    Cole doesn't like Toy anyway. He is just helping him to get back to Tye Zhang. He would thank him for what he has done in the future!

    However, this time, Chaz Wu thought it wrong. Tye Zhang isn't trying to take Cole away from his brother impetuously.

    Instead, he forces himself to calm down.

    If he is still acting impetuously, he would only push Cole Wu further away from him!

    So he decides...to take it slowly.

    He knows Cole Wu well.

    His Cole is serious about relationship. Even if he is living in his brother's house, this doesn't mean anything.

    Cole Wu just gets heartbroken and doesn't want to live with him anymore.

    So...given his personality, he won't bother anyone on purpose. Perhaps he only lives in his brother's house for a few days.

    For Cole Wu, he is most likely to find himself another place to live!

    Then as long as he keeps an eye on this, that'd be enough.

    Chaz Wu, Cole Wu and Tye Zhang are all junior students in college.

    Internship report is too easy for him. He can get it without making any effort. So he hasn't thought about becoming an intern in a company. It's so exhausting.

    But...he is in a special situation and at a special period of time.

    He needs to treat it specially.

    Ekin Zhang frowns and looks at the internship application seriously submitted by his son Tye Zhang. He feels that there're butterflies in his stomach.

    "What are you doing?"

    "What do you mean? I'm applying for the internship, obviously! I want to become an intern in the company. I don't have other requirements. Just put me in the Marketing Department to be Cole's partner!"

    "Nonsense! You think you can get whatever you want, don't you? Who do you think you are, the emperor?" Ekin Zhang throws Tye Zhang's internship application at his head furiously.

    "I'm your son, and you are my emperor." Tye Zhang is well-behaved and doesn't talk back. He only says something to cater to his father's temperament so that his father has no reason to continue flaring up.

    Ekin Zhang is strict with Tye Zhang, but in fact, he loves his younger son even more dearly than Vasari Li!

    "Be good to him...He is my old classmate's child after all. He is a good boy. You should cherish him!"

    After saying this, Ekin Zhang feels guilty and empty.

    "Thank you, Dad!" Tye Zhang is like a child who just got a candy. On thinking that he can be close to Cole Wu everyday from tomorrow, he is extremely joyful.

    Perhaps it's in human's nature that we are cheap and bitchy.

    You won't value those who treat you well, and when they are gone, you try to get them back painstakingly.

    Cole Wu gets out of the bathroom after having a shower. Jack Fang is ironing the suit for Toy Zhang.

    "...You're going to catch a cold if you don't dry your hair." Jack Fang is obviously saying something to avoid awkwardness.

    Cole Wu sees that Toy Zhang is not here, so he walks closer and asks, "Jack, do you know where I can rent a house with a cheap price near the company? I want to move out as soon as possible. I feel uncomfortable living here..."

    I know, but I can't tell you.

    Jack Fang says it to himself in his mind. But he replies, "I'm not familiar with such things. Sorry, but I'm afraid I can't help you."

    "...It's okay. I understand." Cole Wu says disappointedly.

    Looking at Cole Wu, Jack Fang can't help but laugh, and says, "Do you really want to leave here so badly? There're loads of people out there who want to come in but they are shut out."

    "...I'm not one of them." Cole Wu says coldly.

    Jack Fang is astonished. After being stunned for a few seconds, he suddenly apologizes, "Sorry. I was being offensive." he says.

    If Jack Fang doesn't help him, Cole Wu can only rely on himself.

    He is trying to make time all day long just for looking for a suitable place to rent.

    When he was washing his face and brushing his teeth in the morning, he suddenly had a quirky foreboding.

    It seemed that something bad is going to happen.

    When the group leader introduces him his "new partner", he is astonished and angry.

    "Hello, I'm your new partner." Tye Zhang greets Cole Wu with a smile.

    Cole Wu says coldly, "Sir, I've been working with Javier all the time, but now you appoint a disabled man to be my partner. How am I going to do my job?" He is saying something that he doesn't mean only because he is exasperated. Anyway, talking back to the team leader is asking for trouble for himself.

    However, the group leader Jake Xu doesn't dare to be mad at Cole Wu.

    What was posted on the forum and what Tye Zhang is doing now both prove that Cole Wu is not someone to be messed with.

    He is the person whom even the young master has to flatter and beg!

    "Cole Wu! What are you doing! You should treat the new colleague warmly! If Tye has something that he doesn't know, you are responsible to teach him! If you keep acting like this..." After giving an admonitory talk to Cole Wu, Jake Xu slips away immediately. He is afraid that he may say something wrong to get himself into trouble.

    Tye Zhang is pushing the wheelchair back and forth in front of Cole Wu, which is unpleasant for Cole Wu to look at.

    "If you want to go to the toilet, go out of the door and turn left. Stop moving around in front of me! Please don't bother me while I'm working!" Cole Wu says coldly.

    "I can help you, Cole." After being scolded by Cole Wu, Tye Zhang doesn't get angry at all. He moves close to Cole Wu and leans against him, watching him deal with the dazzling folders on his desktop.

    "I'm good at classification and collation. Just let me help you, ok?" Just as he is about to help him, Cole Wu kicks the wheelchair over. Tye Zhang falls down to the ground and gets covered by the wheelchair, looking extremely embarrassed!


    Cole Wu is so furious that his face and neck have turned red.

    He was secretly touched by Tye Zhang just now!

    He is about to explode!

    They are in the company!

    And they are no longer in an intimate relationship!

    How dare him!

    The colleagues in their group have been peeking at them. Now that Tye Zhang gets trapped by the wheelchair, they have all come to help him.

    Tye Zhang sits back on the wheelchair with the help of a few people. He clears his throat and laughs, "Thank you, my fellow colleagues. I'm fine. You can go back to your work!"

    His Cole looks so charming when he gets angry. He was tough and he kicked over his wheelchair from an artful angle so that he got trapped by it.

    "Cole, it's ok. As long as you like it, you can do whatever you want. You can even kick me down again!" Tye Zhang's face is full of smiles. He just won't lose his temper.

    To be honest, he doesn't feel angry.

    Firstly, he doesn't feel disgraced.

    Secondly, he actually likes being treated by Cole Wu like this.