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    I Made My Ex-boyfriend Pregnant![bxb]

    *Update every Friday and Sunday* My ex-boyfriend gets pregnant, and the baby is mine! [Abusing his beloved can be jolly for a while, but pursuing back can be extremely difficult]

    38 Chaz Wu, You Let Your Brother Down!

    Story: I Made My Ex-boyfriend Pregnant![bxb] Author:Yin Zhu Kui words:6085 Update time:2020-01-18 16:05:21

    Vasari Li feels heartbroken to see Tye Zhang like this. He has never been so sad before.

    "How about this, I'm giving Auntie Xu a call now. Cole won't answer your call, but he will definitely answer his mother's call."

    "...Exactly! Thank you, mom!"

    Lily Xu picks up the phone immediately on seeing the incoming call!

    "Hi, Vasari. What's the matter? Is it because my two children brought you any trouble? I heard that they are working in your head office now. Have they made any mistake..."

    Vasari Li coughs. She feels guilty. It was her son who caused the trouble, but Lily Xu said something like that. This makes her feel ashamed.

    "Well, Lily, please listen to me...Cole has gone missing. It's because my son Tye has done something wrong to piss him off. First please allow me to apologize for this...Tye can't find Cole now and he can't get in touch with him either, so he is now very worried about him...Can you call Cole to see how he is now, okay? If you get in touch with him, please call me back. We are very worried about him."

    "...I see. I'll let you know if anything happens." Lily Xu hangs up the phone. She is worried. Her face looks pale and she suddenly starts to sweat all over!

    "Pick up the phone...Pick up the phone!" She calls Cole Wu. She can't wait for one more second. She is anxious and terrified as hell!

    "What's wrong? What are you doing?" Samuel Wu walks over with his eyebrows frowned. He is confused when he sees his wife act so abnormally.

    While waiting for Cole to pick up the phone, Lily Wu tells her husband: "Cole has got into trouble! He is nowhere to be found now...Vasari Li called just now. She said that this had something to do with her son Tye. Alas...I told you that they wouldn't get along well with each other! But you insisted on asking Ekin Zhang to get them a job. And you let our sons live with their sons...If anything happened to Cole, it'd be your fault!"

    "My fault? You blamed me when Chaz and Cole couldn't find a good job! And you stopped blaming me when I found them a good job! Now you are blaming me again when Cole is in trouble! Lily, what do you want from me?"

    "...Enough!" Lily Xu glares at her husband with rage and feels deeply worried at the same time.

    "Hi, mom..."

    "Ah! Cole!" Lily Xu smiles with surprise. She asks hurriedly: "Cole, where are you now? It took you such a long time to pick up the phone. How come? How are you? Is everything going well with your work? Is there anyone who treats you rough? Tell me, will you?"

    She asked all the other questions only for bringing out the last question.

    Cole Wu is sitting on the ground under the railings of the bridge with his knees bent. He listens to what his mother Lily Xu is saying quietly, then he forces a smile and says: "Mom, I'm fine. Everything is fine."

    Lily Xu is relieved only by now.

    She takes a few deep breathes and then asks: "Cole, where are you now? I miss you. I want to meet you and talk with you. We haven't seen each other for months. I really miss you."

    Cole Wu knows that he can't meet his mother now with himself being like this, so he declines her appointment with the excuse of busy work.

    Speaking of work, he hasn't asked for a leave today...Forget it.

    "Mom, I'm gonna hang up. I'm busy at work now. Ok, let's talk another time."

    After putting down the phone. Lily Xu begins to shed tears.

    "Cole, he is lying. What has happened to him exactly? He sounded feebly. I'm so worried about him!"

    Samuel Wu has been listening to what they were talking about over the phone. He and Lily Xu have always loved their eldest son Cole Wu dearly. After thinking for a while, he says: "Call Chaz! Ask him about what has happened! They are always by each other's side. He is the right person to be asked!"

    When Lily Xu is about to call Chaz, something occurs to her. She says: "Calling him is not the best idea...Let's just go find Chaz in the downtown! Anyway...Cole is alright now. But I have to figure out what he has been through exactly!"

    After receiving the call from Lily Xu, Vasari Li gets relieved for the moment as well.

    "Tye, don't worry. Auntie Xu just got in touch with Cole. He's fine. But...he didn't say where he is now."

    "I'm going to find him...Mom, please ask Uncle Cheng to drive me!"

    "You don't even know where he is. How are you going to find him?" Vasari Li says angrily.

    Tye Zhang's feet cannot even bear to stand on the ground. What if the condition gets worse!

    At this time, Ekin Zhang comes in and says: "Let him go! He shall be responsible for his own mistake! Since you love him and you broke his heart...You have to apologize to him and fix this problem by yourself!"

    "Ekin, Tye is just being a child, but how come you are being mischievous as well? He is too young to understand love. He was just fooling around because he is in his puberty..."

    "Even if he wants to fool around with someone, it shouldn't be the son of Samuel Wu! You little bastard! If you were not my son, I wouldn't have beaten you to death already!"

    Ekin Zhang asks the butler Sebastian to bring him a wheelchair and says: "Let's go! Let's go find Cole! You have to get his forgiveness even if you have to kneel down!"

    Samuel Wu and Lily Xu spent several hours on the trains. After getting off the train, they took a cab. They are here at HuaFeng only by now. They ask their son to come out and meet them at the lane behind the company building.

    "Mom. Dad, I'm still working. What are you doing here?" Chaz Wu says reluctantly.

    "Your brother has gone missing! And you are still here at work? Why aren't you outside finding your brother!" Samuel Wu scolds him coldly.

    "...I've called Cole but he just won't pick up the phone. Why are you blaming me? You...How come you know about his missing?" Chaz Wu is pinching his trouser seams guiltily and doesn't dare to look up.

    They, as parents, know exactly what kind of person their younger son is.

    Lily Xu is furious. She shouts: "What's the matter with you exactly? Your brother has always been so good to you. How can you be hardhearted enough to wrong him over and over again!"

    "How did I wrong him? You think I'm the one who wrong him just because he has gone missing now?" On hearing what his mother said, Chaz Wu becomes recalcitrant.

    "It's just the truth! Every time your brother got wronged, it's because of you! It has been so since your childhood." Samuel Wu is exasperated at Chaz Wu. He points at him with a shivering finger and scolds him word by word: "You are in the same company with your brother! But you didn't call us when you found him missing...Your mom knew it from Mrs. Zhang! Isn't it because you are guilty or what? You must have done something bad to piss off your brother! Did I say something wrong? Tell me!"

    After being scolded by his father, Chaz Wu feels extremely grieved. He cries.

    "Dad. Mom. You've never treated me like this before. You've never scolded me since childhood...Why are you treating me like this now just because my brother is having a tantrum and hiding away? Why...Don't you love my anymore!"

    "That's because your brother has always been partial to you! Chaz, your brother loves you dearly...But now that he's missing, you are even unwilling to ask for a leave and find him...You don't deserve his love for all these years! You are so letting him down! Your brother, he even..." Just as Samuel Wu is about to continue, Lily Xu stops him.

    "Stop it. Cole doesn't allow us to say it." Lily Xu is also irritated. She is shivering all over. She feels sorry for Cole.