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    I Made My Ex-boyfriend Pregnant![bxb]

    *Update every Friday and Sunday* My ex-boyfriend gets pregnant, and the baby is mine! [Abusing his beloved can be jolly for a while, but pursuing back can be extremely difficult]

    Chapter 31 I Just Want to Let You Know!

    Story: I Made My Ex-boyfriend Pregnant![bxb] Author:Yin Zhu Kui words:6005 Update time:2019-12-19 16:00:03

    [The Present]

    When Cole Wu wakes up, he finds himself being held by Tye Zhang. They are lying on Tye Zhang's bed...What the hell is that?

    Patching up the broken relationship between them?


    He stares blankly at the ceiling. He wants to cry badly. When the tears come out, he just can't hold them up.

    His bulging and round belly also makes him uncomfortable.

    He feels bad...bad.

    "Cole, are you awake? Are you hungry? I'll cook...No, I don't know how to cook. I'll order some food for you. What about porridge?" Tye Zhang opens his eyes. The first thing he does is to show his concern over Cole Wu.

    He is making a good gesture and acts like a good man who has reformed himself and wants to be good to Cole Wu.

    "...I want to go home."

    Cole Wu says with a hoarse voice.

    He blinks his eyes and keeps shedding tears. He is doing this almost unconsciously--only someone who's really heart-broken will be like this.

    He only feels that he has lost his last dignity!

    Tye Zhang, he knows everything now.

    He knows that he is a hermaphrodite and that he got pregnant because of him...

    On hearing Cole Wu’s words that he wanted to "go home", Tye Zhang feels as if he was touched by a dry straw--so itchy that he is about to go mad!

    "This is your home! Where do you think you are going? Cole, why are you still being so stubborn? I know everything about you! I'm the father of the babies in your belly! If my place is not your home, then where do you think is your home?"

    "Stop it!" Cole Wu looks at Tye Zhang bitterly. How he wishes he could tear up Tye Zhang's mouth!

    "Stop it...I beg you. Save me a little dignity, please."

    His voice is terribly trembling.

    He seems to have fallen into a cold cave with ten thousand arrows penetrating his heart. The coldest and the most toxic ices are attached to each arrow!

    Tye Zhang has also noticed the strangeness of Cole Wu. He stands up and grasps Cole Wu's hand. He places his hand on his lips and starts to kiss it silently.

    "Cole, don't get me wrong. I'm not here to humiliate you! I just...I just want to give you a better life. I want to be good to you. I want to love you! I want you to know how I am when I love you! Can't you just give me a chance to love you? You are pregnant with my children and you choose to give birth to them. Isn't it because that you are still in love with me? Am I wrong?!"

    "Yes, you are right. I'm still in love with you. So what?" Cole Wu smiles coldly. There are still tears in the corners of his eyes. Every word he says hurts.

    "You are right. I've been loving you all the time. I used to love you, I love you now, and I will be loving you in the future. But...so what? Let me just tell you, I have only been loving the Tye Zhang who's in my imagination! He is good to me. He treats me tenderly. He loves me heart and soul and doesn't regard me as someone else's substitute. He won't abuse me...Do you understand? You are not him."

    Tye Zhang gets shocked little by little. Cole Wu looks at him with a pleasant sensation that is brought by revenge. However, after that, there's only emptiness, loneliness and coldness left.

    "...In your imagination..." Tye Zhang is lashed out. He mumbles to himself. His face is twitching and even twisting!

    He holds Cole Wu's hand so tightly that he's almost going to crush it.

    "I'm standing in front of you alive, but you are talking about your imaginary Tye Zhang...Cole Wu, you just want to make me sick, don't you?!"

    Cole Wu frowns. He is gnashing his teeth in anger, but he's just not going to say a word.

    On seeing that Cole Wu is this unyielding, Tye Zhang feels even more uncomfortable. He feels grieved! He feels sad! He feels humiliated!

    Why...He has admitted his mistake and reformed himself. He has broken up with Thea Zheng and he no longer likes Chaz Wu...Why is it that Cole Wu is still unwilling to forgive him? Why Cole Wu said that he didn't love him? Why did he say that he had only been loving someone who's in his imagination?

    Is he inferior to an imaginary man?!

    "Uh...Imagination? The man in your imagination, can he fuck you? Can he get you pregnant?! Cole...Tell me!"

    Cole Wu only feels terrified and regretful until he sees that Tye Zhang is smiling horribly. He shouldn't have said those things in a fit of pique to irritate Tye Zhang! He...he's still got babies in his belly. It's dangerous!

    "Tye Zhang...Calm down. I just..." Cole Wu's lips are shivering. He gets terrified by Tye Zhang's eyes. He looks as if he was going to eat him alive.

    "What did you just do?" Tye Zhang giggles. He starts to caress Cole Wu's belly as tenderly as he can.

    "Say it. Cole...I'm gonna say it if you don't."

    Suddenly, Tye Zhang stops smiling. He blinks his eyes and pinches Cole Wu's face regardless of his shivering, saying coldly: "Listen up...Cole, I'll let you understand that I'm definitely better than the man in your imagination. I'll love you, touch you and take care of you. See...Your belly is the evidence...It is me that got you pregnant! The imaginary man has nothing to do with this! Do you know that? Ah!"

    "I see. I see! It's just a slip of the tongue...Tye Zhang, don't go mad...Calm down!" Cole Wu grinds his teeth and says it while bearing with the pains in his face.

    Tye Zhang smiles. He looks at Cole Wu's bulging belly. He moves apart Cole Wu's legs impudently and touches him with his hands, saying: "How about you check it with your body and see if you are in love with this living person in front of you! I just want you to know it. I want you to know how you really think in your heart!"

    Cole Wu shudders. He shouldn't have enraged Tye Zhang. He regrets it now. He...

    "Tye, I'm pregnant now. I've got your children in my belly...Please don't do this to me. You're gonna kill them. I beg you! I...You can hit my face, my arm, or my leg! Please don't...don't touch me. I can't stand it being in this condition..."

    Cole Wu is so terrified that he can't stop crying. He protects his belly tremblingly, but he wants to put together his legs even more. However, Tye Zhang's hands are laying hold of his thighs tightly!

    His legs are severely swelling, but now there are even hollows on his legs with Tye Zhang pressing them.

    "Tye, please don't...Trust me, I really can't stand it..."

    "Stop lying! You've been pregnant for quite long. The babies' condition has long been stable. Just once. No big deal!"

    "No! My belly is big because that there's a pair of twin..."

    "Shut up!" Tye Zhang suddenly covers Cole Wu's mouth with his hand and stuffs it with the towel on the bedhead. Then he binds Cole Wu's hands with the belt on the side. He doesn't allow him to speak and he rejects his resistance as well.

    "Em! Em? Emmm..." Cole Wu's mouth is stuffed with the towel. He can't spit it out. All he can do is making these weak struggling sounds.

    Cole Wu finally quiets down. Only now can Tye Zhang curl his finger and get rid of the obstacles. He fixes his sight on that area.

    He smiles wickedly: "I was unconscious last time...Now I'm clear-minded. Cole, let me enjoy your...second time."


    Tye Zhang, you're gonna kill me and my children!

    Cole Wu is struggling desperately, but all his efforts are just in vain.

    When Tye Zhang puts his cock in his body regardless of the fact that he's struggling desperately and crying loudly with a bulging belly, Cole Wu closes his eyes in despair, waiting mournfully for the coming of pains and death.