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    My Pregnant Stepfather[bxb]

    *Updated every other day* Jola Liang became a servant in Hugh Yu’s family by the time he was ten. He only had one purpose---revenge! He still remembered clearly the scene that how Hugh Yu forced his parents to die. Today, he finally achieved his purpose after serving him for ten years. He bullied him, trampling on his pride, making him see family betray him and leave him, making him only be a plaything! Hugh Yu, "Jola ... I was wrong. It was all my fault. But my wife is innocent, my son is innocent, he is only ten years old ... don’t hurt him! I beg you to let them go! Please..." Jola Liang: "Master, why are you still kneeling on the ground? Stand up quickly! You are conceiving our baby... take some medicine ... This Tocolysis drug is beneficial to you. "

    08 Humiliation

    Story: My Pregnant Stepfather[bxb] Author:Yin Zhu Kui words:4931 Update time:2019-11-29 09:40:51

    "Master, can't I satisfy you? You've learned to seduce men? No... you are such a bitch, right?"

    He was angry, full of hatred and grudge!

    Jola humiliated Hugh with all his grievances and anger by putting Hugh's body pressed up against his.

    Hugh has been unable to breathe. He was forced to lie under Jola. He resisted the sorrow and pain in his heart and suffered the young man's anger and slander.

    "I am not, I don't know... what are you talking about."

    He was just assaulted by that man, and now he was insulted by Jola of seducing men... What the hell was this?

    When would this farce come to an end?

    He squinted tiredly and looked at the furious young man.

    He was starting to look glassy-eyed, then he stopped struggling.

    "What is your look, eh? Don't even try to deny it... Oh, the man came out of your room, do you think I didn't see it? He was fixing the clothes, do you hear me? He was fixing the clothes! What happened? Well, is he in your dirty body like me? Say something... say!"

    Jola was insanely jealous. As long as he thought about what the man might have done to Hugh, he would feel mad and angry to kill him!

    Now he madly wanted to hear Hugh's denial, he wanted to hear from Hugh that nothing happened...

    He purposely tortured Hugh as hard as he can, which made him frown and shiver with pale face.

    "It hurts... Jola, It so hurts."

    Jola' s intentional torture made Hugh no longer able to be silent, for he hated silence.

    He grabbed at Jola's arm and shouted in shiver, he was in great pain!

    What Jola wanted to hear was not this at all. He suppressed the distress and intolerance in his heart, and tortured him harder!

    "You hurt? I am telling you... you deserve it! This is what comes of seducing others!"

    You can only seduce me. I am the only man can touch you.

    You owe me... you can't pay that for your whole life.

    This life, the next life, forever.

    You and me will be together forever, you will be under my body as my woman forever!

    The fire and madness in Jola's eyes hurt Hugh.

    He didn't know what had he ever done to deserve that... Ten years ago, it was he who took him home.

    He raised him and sent him to school...but in the end, was he being rewarded like this?

    Hugh was full of resentments, which became more and more stronger and even boiled to billow like fire.

    He looked at Jola, shuddering his lips and said sadly:

    "Just because my body is special, so I deserve that, is it? In your eyes, I am a toy, a funny and interesting toy, so you can trample me freely, right? Jola... In the past ten years, to be honest, I treat you like my own child? As a person, how could you do this to me?!"

    Hugh's finger was deeply caught in Jola's arm. He asked him in hatred! Tear came to Hugh's eyes, but he fought the instinct to weep stubbornly. He didn't want to be dismissive.

    However, no matter how grieve and painful he was, compared to the indifference of Jola, it was nothing.

    Jola felt a little painful in his heart, but he deceived himself and chose to ignore the pain.

    He sneered, squatting down, and gently whispered beside Hugh's ears, "Yes, just because of your body. Master, you are supposed to be treated like this. As a... bisexual people, you are born to be toyed, aren't you?" He deliberately did not say the reason, he deliberately wanted Hugh to suffer unclear humiliation... Because, he knew, this was the best revenge for him.

    After hearing what Jola said, Hugh gradually widened his eyes. He loosened his hands, gave up his questioning and unwillingness, and suddenly laughed at himself. He raised his hands in exhaustion and blocked his eyes with his arms. He said without a trace of strength, "You do whatever you want, I don't care anymore..."

    However, Jola was enraged by his indifference.

    He wildly kissed Hugh. Facing his surprise and panic, he smiled and tasted the aroma and sweetness in his lips. He forced Hugh to kiss him and used his own lips and tongue to break Hugh's fragile soul.

    "Master, I am thinking about one thing now... Do you know what it is?"

    Jola chuckled. He took away Hugh's arms over his eyes and forced Hugh to look at him.

    "I was thinking that if you can give me a son."

    The appearing surprise and anger in Hugh's eyes made Jola happy again.

    Sure enough, lifeless Hugh was boring. Jola wanted to see that angry and energetic Hugh who were the most beautiful.

    Jola thought that Hugh must belong to him forever.

    In the heart of the young man, such a strange idea arose.

    He didn't know why he had this idea, and he didn't even know what it meant. What did this dangerous thought mean?

    He just wanted to see Hugh's helpless and painful look.

    Hugh, as he wished, widened his eyes and looked at Jola. He was angry and cried by his words!

    "Jola, you beast... You are such a beast! You get off, get off from me!"

    Hugh was irritated by Jola's word--give him a son.

    It was not the first time for him to hear the word.

    This was his favorite word when torturing Hugh.

    "Hugh, give me a son."

    "Hugh, can you bear children? Do you start your period, like a girl... I am so curious, I want to see."

    "Hugh, you just wet the bed, are you so excited, ha... it's all all my credit."

    Hugh was messed up by the horrific nightmares lingering in his mind.

    He was almost hysterical. Yet for all the resentments piled up in his heart, he could only cried and trembled. He grabbed onto Jola's hand and kissed his cold fingertips, pitifully pleaded, “Please don't say this... don't say this, Jola, I beg you..."

    Jola originally had more vicious words to say.

    But now, watching Hugh crying and begging him, he felt sorry about that.



    "Do not Cry."

    Jola touched Hugh's face, he did not know what happened to him. He wiped away the tears on Hugh's face, bowing his head and giving him a gentle kiss, which stopped Hugh from trembling and whimpering.

    "Don't cry. Listen, I won't say it."

    Jola was still young. At his age, he only knew how to vent and indulge, but never thought about his heart ---- when he was gentle, why he was gentle.

    Instinctively revealing was far more sincere than deliberate catharsis.