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    I Just Want to Bribe You [bxb]

    *Updated every Friday* Michael Su had a sex toys shop on the Internet. The first time they met, Michael put a box of sex toys in front of that guy and said politely, “My dear guest, there are the sexy silk stockings, fancy night-robes and the clothes. Please check. If you are satisfied, do give me a good comment. Then, Michael got a complain from the customer… Because, he delivered the things to a wrong place. Michael’s mother married again. He found that the one he wrongly delivered the sex toys were his future…

    Chapter 13 Doctor, Do You Still Remember Me?

    Story: I Just Want to Bribe You [bxb] Author:Fu Yeer words:4303 Update time:2019-11-04 16:00:04

    Michael wanted to change the room. But thinking of what Richard and his father had said. He hesitated and didn’t say it.

    Michael felt painful about this thing. In the end he could only accept it.

    It was just a night. Michael comfort himself. That uncle wasn’t here. He couldn’t come back tonight. Even if he was asked what had happened tonight, Richard and his father would support him.

    Richard asked the servant to prepare pajamas and bathrobe for Michael. He led the way for Michael hand left.

    Joe’s room was the simple modern style. It was the black white and grey color. It had two room. The outside room had marble table and sofa. The inner one had sofa. There weren’t many decorations in the room.

    Michael simply looked around. He took the clothes and walked into the bathroom.

    It was still early for bath time. Michael took out his phone and checked his store. There were several orders. Tomorrow was Saturday. He could send the packages in the morning.

    Then thinking of that he met Hebe today, Michael made a call to Yates.

    At this time, Yates must be playing games. He didn’t have time to pick the phone. Michael wasn’t in a hurry. He just waited there.

    To his surprise, Yates picked up the phone quickly.

    "Hello, Michael." Michael heard Yates’s voice. He knew that Yates was not playing game.

    "What are you doing now?" Michael asked Yates.

    "I… I am outside." Yates made an ambiguous statement

    Michael felt something wrong. He frowned and asked, "Do you go fighting again?"

    Yates had fought too many. Michael was worried about him. Thinking of last week’s fight. He thought that Yates might go fighting again.

    "No, no, no. I don’t" Yates denied right away "So long as that yellow hair doesn’t come for me. I won’t find him forwardly. If he challenges me, I won’t let him go easily."

    Hearing this, Michael frowned. He had stayed with the yellow hair for a while. He was not that bad. He askedMichael to apologize for what he had done for Yates.

    Though it disgusted Michael that the yellow hair had followed him for days.

    To be honest, it was rather good for a villain to behave like this.

    What’s more the yellow hair invited Michael to eat with him. So, Michael didn’t stand for Yates. On the contrary he praised the yellow hair and told Yates that the yellow hair was sorry for what he had done.

    Hearing this, Yates was shocked.

    It couldn’t be possible. He didn’t feel better. He just thought it weird.

    He would rather believe that it was the lie from Michael.

    They argued there for quite a long time. They were still arguing until they cut the phone. Michael had forgot to asked Yates about Hebe

    Yates sat in on the stairs in front of the hospital. Seeing the phone was hung up. He finally felt at eased.

    He put back his phone in the pocket and took a glance at the hall. And then he stared blankly there.

    There were many people walked in and out. Sitting there it was difficult for the people not to notice him.

    Yates stood up and walked for two steps. He took out the phone and checked the time. He looked at the hall for a while and sat down again.

    He checked the time again and again.

    Ever since last time he checked his cock in this hospital, in the school, he always remembered that doctor.

    Yates was candid. He wanted to see that doctor. So he came to the hospital again after class.

    He didn’t know what had happened to him. Yates just wanted to see the doctor.

    He couldn’t figure out why he would have strange feeling for a person he only met once. But when he thought of the doctor’s face and smile, the comfort that the doctor gave him and the patience that the doctor showed him, Yates felt great in his heart.

    Last time Yates thought it was terrible. Luckily, he met a warm-hearted doctor. So this must be the reason why he would have this desire to see the doctor again.

    He wanted to invite the doctor to have dinner with him to show his gratitude.

    Last time his cock erected in front of the doctor. He felt awkward that he didn’t have time to say thank you and escape.

    He wondered whether the doctor had forgot him or not.

    Thinking of the doctor, Yates couldn’t help smiling and laughing. That man was so gentle. Yates thought in his heart.

    But now it was almost nine thirty. He didn’t see the doctor come out.

    Yates just sat on the stairs. He looked up at the sky. He started to count stars.

    From one to one hundred, he counted over and over again. He stood up and walked to the hall.

    He just walked for several steps. He recognized the doctor. Yates stopped there and looked at that person who made him happy.

    The doctor must have seen Yates. When James Jian went out, he noticed Yates.

    He was confused at the beginning. When he saw Yates clear, he was kind of surprised.

    Clearly, he recognized Yates this fool.

    But Yates didn’t think so. He thought that if the doctor recognized him, the doctor must call him. The doctor didn’t call him. He just laughed.

    Yates felt sad in his heart. It was only a week. The doctor had forgot who he was.

    He felt kind of upset. Yates wanted to say something to help the doctor to remember.

    He had an thought in his mind.

    James looked at the logy boy. Yates suddenly smiled to James and said, "Doctor, I am the person who erected in your hand. Do you still remember?"

    The doctor felt kind of embarrassed when he heard this.