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    I Just Want to Bribe You [bxb]

    *Updated every Friday* Michael Su had a sex toys shop on the Internet. The first time they met, Michael put a box of sex toys in front of that guy and said politely, “My dear guest, there are the sexy silk stockings, fancy night-robes and the clothes. Please check. If you are satisfied, do give me a good comment. Then, Michael got a complain from the customer… Because, he delivered the things to a wrong place. Michael’s mother married again. He found that the one he wrongly delivered the sex toys were his future…

    Chapter 10 The Bad Boy Would Blush When He scared

    Story: I Just Want to Bribe You [bxb] Author:Fu Yeer words:4546 Update time:2019-11-01 16:00:05

    These two days Michael was bothered. Because he had been followed by someone.

    From Monday afternoon, Michael felt that someone was looking at him when he left school. He felt it had no bad intention. So he didn’t care about it. But the second day after school, he felt this sight again. It followed him all the way. Till now, it was the fourth day.

    Usually Michael went back home with Lyon. Their homes were in the same direction. Lyon’s home was closer than Michael’s.

    Today Lyon had something to do. Michael walked back home alone. He could feel that sight. Michael slightly smiled. He changed his way back home.

    Today he wanted to know what did the people who followed him want to do.

    Michael deliberately turned into a remote alley. He stood by the wall. In a minute, he heard the footsteps.

    Michael patiently waited that person to come.

    The follower didn’t know that Michael had already found him. He wasn’t suspicious at all. When he turned right to the corner, he saw Michael stood there. He wanted to escape.

    "Stop. Where do you want to run?" Michael moved faster than him. He caught that man and pushed him on the wall.

    Michael didn’t expect that he didn’t resist. He just dared not to look at Michael. It seemed that he wanted to hide himself.

    Michael looked up and down on that man. He smiled and said, "You are geared up. Hat, glasses and mask, do you fear that I recognize you?

    Hearing this, that person was shocked. He looked up at Michael and quickly lowered his head. He couldn’t help stepping back.

    "You are the one who follows me. How could you be so yellow-bellied?"

    Hence, Michael was more eager to see his face.

    He wasn’t that sure before. Now he was certain that this person knew him.

    Michael blocked him at the corner and took off his hat. He saw the yellow hair. It was rather family with him. Then he took off the stalker’s glasses and mask.

    When Michael saw his face, he was astonished.

    "Yellow hair, why is you?" He asked surprisingly.

    "I… I… Hello, Michael." The yellow hair dared not to look at Michael. He didn’t have the momentum when he fought with Michael. Right now he looked like a coward.

    Michael was puzzled, "How do you know my name?"

    The yellow hair’s face turned red, "I asked someone about your name."

    Michael still held the yellow hair’s things. He gave them back to him. Michael angrily pulling his hair, "Why do you follow me?"

    The yellow hair didn’t know how to reply.

    Michael didn’t hear his answer while the yellow hair’s face turned redder and redder.

    Michael was scared by it. He thought that there was something wrong with his face.

    It was wired that a bad boy blushed like this.

    Michael stopped forcing him to tell. He guessed, "Is it that because I stopped you from beating Yates that day. Now you want to revenge?"

    "No, no, no…", the yellow hair shook his head, "I don’t want to revenge. I won’t do that."

    "Then why would you follow me?" Michael stared at him, "You have followed me from Monday to Thursday. If I don’t catch you today, do you plan to follow me all the time?"

    The yellow hair didn’t answer. He kept lowering his head. It proved what Michael guessed.

    Michael didn’t like the man who didn’t answer anything.

    "You just go. Don’t follow me again." Michael said it and wanted to leave.

    "Wait a moment Michael. The reason why I follow you is Yates." The yellow hair said this with a certain tongue.

    Michael stopped. He walked back, "What do you want to do with Yates again?"

    The yellow hair trembled. He said with grief, "I don’t want to do anything to Yates. The reason why I follow you is that I want to apologize to Yates. I feel sorry for hurting him that place. You know that my boss and Yates are enemies. If I find Yates, he won’t see me. He might even want to beat me. I think I should find you first. You can say sorry for me." The yellow hair thought that only saying in this way, would he have the chance to get close to Michael.

    Michael didn’t realize that a bad boy would have a kind heart to apologize for what he had done.

    He said, "Alright, I know. Yates is alright. You don’t need to think too much."

    After saying this, the yellow hair looked at Michael with a bright eye and asked, "Michael, can I invite you to eat dinner with me?"

    Michael thought that it was strange.

    He couldn’t argue with the yellow hair. At last they came to a beef noodles restaurant.

    Michael walked ahead. The yellow hair carefully followed him behind.

    They ordered two bowels of noodles and found a place to sit. Michael saw that the yellow hair was nervous. He opened his mouth and asked, "I haven’t known your name yet."

    The yellow hair’s face turned red again. He brokenly said, "My… my name is… Saul Huang…"

    "It is easy to remember. Good." Michael answered him. He thought that whether he was that scared. This villain’s face turned red when he talked to Michael.

    It needed some time to prepare the noodles. In order to relax the yellow hair, Michael took out his phone and started to play games.

    The yellow hair sat on the opposite. Hearing the sound of the game, he was rather excited. He quietly looked up and took a glance at Michael and soon lowered his head.

    He repeated this for several times. And his heart beat faster.

    Michael didn’t have time to care for the yellow hair. He held the phone with his hands. Seeing from the yellow hair’s sight, he could see Michael’s face as well as his beautiful fingers.

    The yellow hair admired in his heart that Michael was so delicate.

    He looked at Michael secretly. Then he took out his phone and pretend to play games. But actually he was taking photos of Michael.