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    Be Still! Or I will kiss you.[bxb]

    Boss and super star.

    Chapter 5 The little poor

    Story: Be Still! Or I will kiss you.[bxb] Author:Song Ling San Ren words:3022 Update time:2019-10-28 16:00:05

    Kevin was very satisfied with Allen.

    He had been in the business for years and had seen many smooth and articulate people. Although he was used to it, he was already tired of working with these people in the daytime. If his sugar daddy didn’t make him happy, it was better not to raise them.

    He abandoned his last sugar daddy: Mike and Steve, for the same reason. One was complacent; one was arrogant. All these were his most disgusting habits.

    Moreover, Mike and Steve were not the people he preferred at first. But they all came to him on their initiative, and both were well-behaved at first. His bed was empty before, so he was pleased to receive them.

    However, He had a glimpse at Allen when he went to see Mike six months ago in a big IP legend drama group. But do not look at the beautiful publicity pictures. The real scene set was extremely different from the scene in the picture. To decorate the background with special effects, the outdoor scene was covered by a dark green or dark blue background with several pink artificial peach blossoms set in front of the background. In the shooting interval, the crew shuttled back and forth. Anyway, the whole scene could not be said to be orderly.

    At that time, it was still the end of winter. Although the weather warmed up after the New Year, the weather was not good for the actors.

    When Kevin arrived, Allen had just finished shooting the drowning scene and was wrapped in a bath towel. His clothes and hair were dripping wet with water. Allen's assistant, standing next to him with a down jacket, was concerned but was afraid to put the clothes on him.

    The director watched Kevin’s eyes fall on Allen. He indicated that this sequence was shot somewhere else and that there was still a scene to shoot after falling into the river. The costume could not be changed for the effect.

    Kevin just looked at him twice, and Allen’s trembling looks were incredibly appealing. Kevin had thought that Allen just gave him a transitory impression. But who knows that half a year later, his bed had been empty for several months, and between jobs, Kevin was reminded of the appearance of Allen sitting on the hustle set with his pale face, a little poor.

    It was a common problem for most men to pity the weak. Although Kevin had never thought he was one of that most, it was undeniable that he did remember Allen’s pitiful face.

    Allen did not disappoint him in his habitual suite.

    His hair after washing and drying looked soft and fluffy. His cheeks removed from the heavy makeup were smooth and moist. His lip was water red and soft. His clavicle, exposed from the neckline of the bathrobe, was straight and delicate. He looked obedient when he held the door, which let people want to take him in his arms.

    What they talked about was also very interesting. His apologetic appearance was just like a student who read a novel in class and was caught by a teacher. If he didn’t interrupt Allen, Allen might bow to him to apologize.

    He couldn't help but laugh when he thought about him. The man in the mirror was covered with toothpaste on the side of his mouth, but the smile in his eyes was pleasant, which he had not seen for a long time.

    Kevin looked at himself in the mirror and thought how long he had not laughed so easily.

    Since he began the business in his early twenties, his smile was only a part of social engagement. Just bend his eyes and his mouth. It was a smile that was enough to cope with business. As for the smile underneath, whether it was indifferent, mocking, or complimentary is unimportant.

    He reached out and touched the corner of his smiling eyes. And he rinsed the toothpaste out of his mouth and went out of the bathroom.